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About inagendra

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  1. Legend In Single Line

    Hi Angshu, Here is the chart xml: <chart yAxisName="No Of Chunks" xAxisName="Milestone" showSum="0" palette="3" useRoundEdges="1" showLegend="1" showAlternateHGridColor="0" divLineAlpha="15" bgColor="EDEFFF" chartTopMargin="40" exportHandler="FusionCharts/ExportHandlers/JSP/FCExporter.jsp" exportAction="save" exportFileName="RDBChunks_" exportEnabled="1" showExportDialog="0" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportAtClient="0" plotSpacePercent="50" xmlns=""> <categories fontSize="10" fontColor="000000" font="Arial" xmlns=""> <category label="M0"/> <category label="M1"/> <category label="M2"/> <category label="M3"/> <category label="M4"/> <category label="M5"/> <category label="M6"/> <category label="M7"/> <category label="M8"/> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Completed" showValues="0" color="009933" xmlns=""> <set value="6.0"/> <set value="5.0"/> <set value="22.0"/> <set value="34.0"/> <set value="65.0"/> <set value="80.0"/> <set value="15.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="In Progress" showValues="0" color="B6B6B6" xmlns=""> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="73.0"/> <set value="37.0"/> <set value="4.0"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Pending Overdue" showValues="0" color="FF2012" xmlns=""> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="1.0"/> <set value="4.0"/> <set value="6.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> <set value="0.0"/> </dataset> </chart> The legend is occupying two rows of space. Regards, Nagendra
  2. Legend In Single Line

    Can I show legend in a single line. In my chart, it is spread across two lines though there is space on left and right side of legend. Is there a way to force the legend to occupy only one line? Regards. Nagendra
  3. How To Hide X And Y-Axis?

    Hi Radis, I was using Fusion Charts 3, that could be the reason why wrapping was not working. Now I moved to 3.2 and it works fine there. Thanks for help. Regards, Nagendra
  4. How To Hide X And Y-Axis?

    Hi Radis, Thanks for the reply. It works fine, only thing is wrapping the text to a new line. You have kept a {br} in the display value. For me, it is getting displayed as it is. It is not displaying the text in a new line. Regards, Nagendra
  5. How To Hide X And Y-Axis?

    Hi, Can some one reply to my query below? Regards, Nagendra
  6. How To Hide X And Y-Axis?

    Hi, I need to generate a chart which is shown in the attached image. I am thinking of using Stacked Bar 2D chart without X and Y-axis. Is it possible to hide X and Y-axis? If there is any other chart or option that I can make use of, please suggest. Regards, Nagendra
  7. Dates As Y Axis In A Chart

    I need to create a chart in which the y-axis should show the dates. And the values for each x-axis item would be start date and end date. The chart should highlight the x-axis items in the start date to end date range. Is this possible to achieve using fusion charts? If so, can some one please direct me on how to implement this? Thanks, Nagendra
  8. Schema Files for Fusion Charts

    Hi Basundhara Ghosal, The zip contains all the Schemas. However I see discrepancies in these Schemas. For ex, I tried to use StackedMultiSeriesColumn2DSchema.xsd and I found problems in it. I created an xml instance using this schema and used MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf to display the chart, the browser says 'No Data to Display' which means there is a problem in the xml. This schema has a dataset element, it should have a child dataset element. But it doesn't have. It should also have a lineset element, but it doesn't. If you can fix the problems and send the schemas, it would be great. Thanks, Nagendra
  9. Schema Files for Fusion Charts

    MSCharts.rar seems to be the schema for older version of Fusion Charts as I see the root element is graph. Is there an updated schema for version 3?