is it possible to set the background for a transparent chart during the export?
and if yes, how?
After the capture, there is a stream generated, which contains the colors of every pixel. If you put them together, you have a pretty ugly result because of the outer texts (hardly readable).
So I would like to modify the FusionChartsExportComponent.js (I assume it would be the place to make the changes) so that the generated stream already contains a background color.
Here is a sample from the stream as I use it to put the picture together:
'stream' => '_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_424;_38,fdfdfd_3,_5,
_3,fdfdfd_6,_38;_ .....'
the separator for the rows is ';'
separator for the columns is ','
you have first the color and then the number of following pixels with this color.
No color specified means the followings pixels had the background color (transparent)
trying to set a custom bgColor while putting the picture together just generate a ugly picture. maybe someboy knows how I can set this bgColor before I get the stream.