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Everything posted by jalberto

  1. Right now you need a "special" div with a flash and some JS code to export a chart to image, pdf, etc. I read the reason about the need of a "save" button and is correct, but it can be improved anyway. When you use context menu to export (right click> export as png) the chart shadow and you can see a progress bar, when finish the progress bar get out and you can click the save button. Why? why just don't add an option like: "showSaveButton" so when progress bar finish the char is yet shaded with 2 buttons: "save" & "cancel" This way you don't need a separate GUI,, or separate div, or even JS all is handled by the chart itself. Is this possible?
  2. better export feature

    i understadn it, so why dont compile charts itself with flash 10 too? thanks for your reply
  3. Change font style on export

    Is possible to change the font color or style on export? i have a shadow style applied to font, white font and black shadow, it fits nice on my web, but on exporting (server side) the bg by default is white so text is unredeable. I can change the bg colro with params[:meta_bgColor] (RoR exporter script) but this doesnt helps, becuase a white border is created around shadow (really ugly). So its possible to change the font style or color in exporter time? maybe params[meta_fontColor] ?
  4. Change font style on export

    i attached some images exported with FC RoR export scripts. As you see when bg is not white, or font have a shadow is really unredeable. Any tips?