I am trying to find a better charting framework that our pieced together solution. There are a couple of things I am unsure on where to start. Can someone provide any pointers or links for accomplishing the following?
1.I have a vtrendlines and trendlines display showing. How can I not show any values in the margin (none on the left/right/bottom/top)
2. On my vtrendlines/trendlines I need to display a tooltip for the $startValue of the trendlines
3. On my vtrendlines/trendlines I need a hover effect to increase the size of the thickness line
4. On a scatter plot. if 2 points have the same x and y, one of them will be hidden. I need the tooltip when hovering over which ever point is displayed, to put the name and value for BOTH points that share that x,y position.
5. On a scatter plot, I need to show additional values in the tooltip. For a series like below, how would I generate the described tooltip?
seriesname: 'Vehicle A',
color: '#6baa01',
data: [{ 'x': 5, 'y': 5, distance: 18, totalTime: 98 }]
//tooltip should say "Vehicle A , X: 5, Y: 5 Distance: 18 Time: 98"