Thanks for responding!
As it turns out, the person before me was truncating the labels to size to prevent the attached behavior. As you can tell, the data is unfortunately illegible, bringing me back to the problem of being able to explain to people what the graph means. We are limited in space on both the X and Y axis currently, and the product manager has asked me to figure out a solution.
The XML is as follows:
bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0' showBorder='0'
lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' ticksBelowGauge='1'
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valueAbovePointer='0' showValue='0' pointerOnTop='1' pointerRadius='9'
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majorTMNumber='12' minorTMNumber='4'
gaugeFillMix='{dark-10},FFFFFF,{dark-10}' gaugeFillRatio='3'
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34% of Ads Served
" />
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12% of Ads Served
" />
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7% of Ads Served
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6% of Ads Served
" />
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5% of Ads Served
" />
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4% of Ads Served
" />
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4% of Ads Served
" />
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4% of Ads Served
" />
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3% of Ads Served
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3% of Ads Served
" />
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18% of Ads Served
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Is there any way someone could start me down the path of making this more legible, maybe using annotations or something?
Thank you,