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Everything posted by zzcfrog

  1. I have pasted all the code presented in the official demo into my project, when I right clicked the chart and opted "save as ...", it began to capturing, but when this process was finished, the export component's title was still "wait". I don't know why. who can help me? ps:the chart itself is displayed correctly the code is as below: jsp: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="../JSClass/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../JSClass/Commented/FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script> <title>Insert title here</title> </head> <body> <div id="chartdiv" align="center">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "myChartId", "900", "300", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL("../servlet/testData") myChart.render("chartdiv"); </script> <div id="savediv" align="center">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("savebtn", "../FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.Render("savediv"); </script> </body> </html> the xml: <chart palette='2' caption='Unit Sales' xAxisName='?' yAxisName='??' showValues='0' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' useRoundEdges='1' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='myComponent'> <set label='??' value='462' /> <set label='Feb' value='857' /> <set label='Mar' value='671' /> <set label='Apr' value='494' /> <set label='May' value='761' /> <set label='Jun' value='960' /> </chart>