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Everything posted by miqbal

  1. Hi, I have this code working for MSColumn2D chart but when ever I put in the StackedColumn2D Flash gives the following code while publishing. The class or interface 'com.fusioncharts.core.charts.StackedColumn2D' could not be loaded. Help needed urgently.
  2. Hi, How can I embed fonts into any chart. I am developing an application in Flash in which the charts needs to get transformed after it renders but since the fonts are not embeded into the text fields the font grabbles. I have tried to edit the AS file of the chart I'm using but no luck.
  3. Really need help on this one. I have been trying this for two days now and it won't work at all. It even works fine with StackedColumn3DChart but its not working with StackedColumn2DChart. I have even replaced this file with the original copy I downloaded but its not working.
  4. Sorry, I found the problem. I wasn't spelling the filename correct when importing the class, but now after its publishing correctly the chart is not showing up at all. Is there an XML error in my code?