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Everything posted by rite2rio

  1. My organization has the entire Fusion Enterprise Suit can i use it for repoting also (other than charting) Is it possible to use it for creating data reports also.
  2. Hi , Just wanted to know if this is possible with fusion in a grid along with an MSLine chart, the chart is as below. the data should appear in the grid as in the above grid thanks.
  3. Request you to add this atleast by the next version, my client says that all the charting tools like Dundas ,ect give this facility its a basic need for charts. thanks
  4. Hi Sanjuktha , In my earlier post we had this issue , and i thaught that it was solved but its still not solved evenafter making the YAxisiMaxValue = '100' and the sum of all my values is 100 still the max value is showing as 110 please help this bug was found in UAT .I showing you the image below My xml goes like this < chart decimals='0' showPercentValues='1' XAxisValuesDecimals='0' XAxisAdjustDiv='0' adjustDiv='0' yAxisMaxValue='100' XAxisMinValue='0' slantLabels='1' animation='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' caption='Application Owner %25 OverAllStatus By SubLOB' startingAngle='60' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' formatNumberScale='0' chartRightMargin='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' showBorder='0' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='50' canvasbgColor='F2F2F2' canvasBorderColor='4A7EC5' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='80' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='Charts/FCExporter.aspx' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='%7Btab%7D' numDivLines='4' baseFontSize='8pt' baseFontColor='000000' isHTML='1' bold='0' baseFont='Frutiger 45 Light' xAxisName='SUBLOB' yAxisName='OverAllStatus %25' showAlternateVGridColor='0' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' divLineColor='969696' divLineThickness='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' debugMode='1'>< categories>< Category label='SIS ESM'/></ categories>< dataset seriesName='Assessment' color='499DF5'>< set value='97.31543624161073825503355705' color='499DF5'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Complete' color='3EA055'>< set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='3EA055'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Packaging' color='DB70DB'>< set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='DB70DB'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Remediation' color='FFE600'>< set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='FFE600'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Testing' color='FAAC58'>< set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='FAAC58'/></ dataset>< trendlines>< line startValue='42000' color='91C328' displayValue='Target' showOnTop='1'/></ trendlines>< styles>< definition>< style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='0' />< style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='13' color='000000' bold='1' />< style name='myAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' bold='0' color='000000'/>< style name='myLabelsFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0' />< style name='myValuesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0'/></ definition>< application>< apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />< apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />< apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />< apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />< apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont' />< apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />< apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />< apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='myLabelsFont' />< apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' />< apply toObject='XAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' /></ application></ styles></ chart>note that my xml is dynamic and ever changing could you please give me a permanent solution. The Xml changes depending on the parameters passed to it and its not just . thanks in advance Mario
  5. I dont know but the export option is working fine in my local but its throwing an error FCExporter.aspx not found in the path http://company web url/charts/FCExporter.aspx.cs but its very much present i have tried to use all these options but it jsut does not work 2)exportHandler='Charts/FCExporter.aspx' in my dyanmic xml that i am passing to a string builder in an update panel 1)string exportHandler = "./Charts/FCExporter.aspx"; and then tried to pass the string to the export handler in the xml strin builder in the chart elment like thisstrXML.AppendFormat( "<chart showPercentValues='1' slantLabels='1' animation='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' caption='Application Owner %25 Assessment By SUBLOB' startingAngle='60' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' formatNumberScale='0' chartRightMargin='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' showBorder='0' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='50' canvasbgColor='F2F2F2' canvasBorderColor='4A7EC5' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='80' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='" + exportHandler + "' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='%7Btab%7D' numDivLines='4' baseFontSize='8pt' baseFontColor ='000000' isHTML='1' bold='0' baseFont='Frutiger 45 Light' YAxisMinValue='0' YAxisMaxValue='100' xAxisName='Week' yAxisName='Assessment %25' showAlternateHGridColor='0' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' divLineColor='969696' divLineThickness='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' debugMode='1'><categories>");3) string exportHandler =ResolveClientUrl("~/Charts/FCExporter.aspx"); this is also used as above could you please help me with this issue as i need it very badly thanks in advance
  6. Hi is there a posibility to keep a fixed intervals on the XAxisis value in the 2D stacked bar chart right now my intervals show as 0,22,44,66,88,110 but i want it to be 0,20,40,60,80,100 at all times irresspective of the values. Note : that my values do not exceed 100% Thanks
  7. Thanks a Lot Sanjukta its working fine now you made my day
  8. Hi This is my xml just for one instance of the chart there are many such instances that the same thing occurs. Please help on this < chart decimals='0' showPercentValues='1' XAxisValuesDecimals='0' XAxisAdjustDiv='0' adjustDiv='0' XAxisMaxValue='100.000001' XAxisMinValue='0' slantLabels='1' animation='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' caption='Application Owner %25 OverAllStatus By SubLOB' startingAngle='60' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' formatNumberScale='0' chartRightMargin='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' showBorder='0' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='50' canvasbgColor='F2F2F2' canvasBorderColor='4A7EC5' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='80' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='Charts/FCExporter.aspx' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='%7Btab%7D' numDivLines='4' baseFontSize='8pt' baseFontColor ='000000' isHTML='1' bold='0' baseFont='Frutiger 45 Light' xAxisName='SUBLOB' yAxisName='OverAllStatus %25' showAlternateVGridColor='0' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' divLineColor='969696' divLineThickness='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' debugMode='1'>< categories>< Category label='HR IT'/>< Category label='IT L %26 C'/>< Category label='IT R %26 S'/>< Category label='PCP IT'/>< Category label='Rcds Mgmt IT'/>< Category label='Recs IT'/>< Category label='Unknown'/></ categories>< dataset seriesName='Assessment' color='499DF5'>< set value='98.66666666666666666666666667' color='499DF5'/>< set value='100' color='499DF5'/>< set value='100' color='499DF5'/>< set value='100' color='499DF5'/>< set value='100' color='499DF5'/>< set value='100' color='499DF5'/>< set value='98.21428571428571428571428571' color='499DF5'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Complete' color='3EA055'>< set value='1.00' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/>< set value='' color='3EA055'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Remediation' color='FFE600'>< set value='0.3333333333333333333333333300' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/>< set value='' color='FFE600'/></ dataset>< dataset seriesName='Testing' color='FAAC58'>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/>< set value='' color='FAAC58'/></ dataset>< trendlines>< line startValue='42000' color='91C328' displayValue='Target' showOnTop='1'/></ trendlines>< styles>< definition>< style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='0' />< style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='13' color='000000' bold='1' />< style name='myAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' bold='0' color='000000'/>< style name='myLabelsFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0' />< style name='myValuesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0'/></ definition>< application>< apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />< apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />< apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />< apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />< apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont' />< apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />< apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />< apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='myLabelsFont' />< apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' />< apply toObject='XAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' /></ application></ styles></ chart> thanks
  9. I have tried this option Sanjukta but in vain could you please give me some other option.
  10. If you could seriously think on these lines and give a provision to set the max sum avlue as 100 no matter what the data is because the bussiness requiers this a lot of times and i guess this could be considered the main drawback in fusion charts. also i am using asp.net , so if i could get any suggetions to keep the value 100 in my calculations i have used functions such as Round but its not helping me.
  11. the sum of the values in my chart is going to 100.01 and thats why the XAxsisMaxVlaue is shoing as 100.01 how do i solve this problem to show the XaxisMax value as 100 no matter what the sum of the values would be. see the attached image.
  12. That is the legend values to should appear coressponding to the line that it represents on the right hand side of the canvas in a 2D Line chart . Please let me know if its possible and if it is possible then how to go about it thanks and reagards
  13. Problem solved. Thanks Ghosal and Snajuktha thanks a lot .
  14. I meant that the legends should appear in the right side of the chart like in the above chart sample Class A,Class B , Class C, Class D etc should appear in right side of the chart i tried using the trend lines , is there a possiblilty to make the trendlines invisibles and only show the display value for them
  15. I want it to be something like this its not possible is it