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  1. Hi, i'm customize a scrollstackedcol2d in a "scrollcol2d" chart, but i need show the columns whith differents colors. I try combinating a number sequence from database table and add the prefix 'FF' (by sample) but the colors degradation is leattle. Any way, so, how i can set a random color in this chart? is possible? Finally, really my exqusess for my english, is not the best, but you can understendme? i hope! Stgo.
  2. Hi, First, my apologies for my basic english. My situation is the next: i work with object and classes and i worked whit singles graphics, no problem, but i try work whit a Multiserie graphic and i'cant show the datagram. my example is: $strXML = ""; $strXML = "[chart caption = Singles V/S Married in ".$country." by City' baseFontSize='9' showValues='1' xAxisName='Singles/Married' yAxisName='City' ]"; //the objects and method. $var_country_city=$cl_sm-]countryCity($site); $k=0; while ($k [ $var_country_city) { $var_id_country_city=$cl_sm-]idcountryCity($site,$k); $cl_sm-]obtaineData($var_id_country_city); $name=$cl_sm-]showData('city'); //the name of the city $singlecount=$cl_sm-]existssingle($var_id_country_city,$city); //number Singles by city $marriedcount=$cl_sm-]existsmarried($var_id_country_city,$city); //number Married by City ?] Ok, i'have data for my table: CITY SINGLE MARRIED zaragoza 500 900 madrid 1000 1100 coru
  3. Dynamic Multiserie Graphic

    Hi Basundhara! im'ready. The problem's whos becouse i'closed the cicle before to end categories&dataset , But i can doit, Thank's so much!