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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Font Styling

    Hi, Could you please send your Chart XML?
  2. Character problems in creating dynamic XML in Java

    Hi, Due to Query String [&] is represent field separator in flash object. That
  3. Free usage

    HI, Could you please see this link?
  4. Links within Fusion map XML

    Hi, If your are using Frames then use. link='F-FrameName-target2.html'
  5. Hi, You can show value on label and percentage on tool tip. showPercentageValues='0' showPercentInToolTip='1' You can show percentage on label and value on tool tip. showPercentageValues='1' showPercentInToolTip='0'
  6. Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now.
  7. Character problems in creating dynamic XML in Java

    Hi, Could you please use this? If you are using DataXML method please use this xmlStr += " link='JavaScript:jsMethod(%26apos;" + parameter + "%26apos; )'" ; If you are using DataURL method please use this xmlStr += " link='JavaScript:jsMethod('" + parameter + "' )'" ;
  8. Hi, Could you please use Server.URLEncode and try again? value="dataURL=<%= Server.URLEncode("TimeSeriesChartData.asp?chartType=" & chartIndex & "&dataPoint=" & request("dataPoint") & "&dateRange=" & dateRange) %>&debugMode=1"
  9. Hi, Could you please use numberSuffix='%25' ?
  10. Doughnut chart loading problem ( 3.0 version )

    Hi, Could you please try this? <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="100%" height="220" id="Doughnut3D" > <param name="movie" value="Charts/Doughnut3D.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataXML=<chart palette='2' showBorder='1'><set label='Account Main' value='100' color='FF9933' /> </chart>"> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="Charts/Doughnut3D.swf" flashVars="&dataXML=<chart palette='2' showBorder='1'><set label='Account Main' value='100' color='FF9933' /> </chart>" quality="high" width="100%" height="220" name="Doughnut3D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object> Note: Please render FusionCharts with fusionCharts JS. it is very easy to render. please visit Javascript code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="JSClass/FusionCharts.js" ></script> <div id="chartdiv" align="center">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Doughnut3D.swf", "myChartId", "100%", "200", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataXML("<chart palette='2' showBorder='1'><set label='Account Main' value='100' color='FF9933' /> </chart>"); myChart.render("chartdiv"); </script>
  11. Hi, Could you please tell me what technologies (asp, php, .net) are yor using?
  12. Doughnut chart loading problem ( 3.0 version )

    Hi, Could you please provide us your source code?
  13. Hi, No Is it not possible to reduce the size of the canvas or remove it altogether? but you can use floating div on the above of the Maps.
  14. How to show time format in chart

    Hi, Could you please use charts attribute showValues='0' ?
  15. How to show time format in chart

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now.
  16. Add different style to each dataset?

    Hi, You can change dataset color and also can change individual set color (bar color).
  17. Tool Tip Format

    Hi, Could you please use Styles and follow this step? Add this Styles with in charts XML <styles> <definition> <style name='TTipFont' type='font' isHTML='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TTipFont' /> </application> </styles> if you use DataXML method then use this <set value='100' label='Jan' toolText='Line1%26lt;BR%26gt;Line2%26lt;BR%26gt;Line3' /> if you use DataURL method then use this <set value='100' label='Jan' toolText='Line1<BR>Line2<BR>Line3' /> Note: BR must be within CAPS
  18. Bubbles Chart

    Hi, Could you please see documentation and also see this? Attribute Name Type Range Description x Number Numeric Value X-axis value for the set. The bubble/scatter point will be placed horizontally on the x-axis based on this value. y Number Numeric Value Y-axis value for the set. The bubble/scatter point will be placed vertically on the y-axis based on this value. z Number Numeric Value Z-axis numerical value for the set of data. The size of bubble would depend on this value (with respect to z values of other bubbles on the chart).
  19. Hi, I am afraid, we've blocked absolute URLs owing to XSS attacks. And, there is no way to set it off. Our Maps does not accept dataURL="". Could you please try using relative path or absolute path without domain? Could you please try using relative URL instead of using absolute URL (one that has http://.. ). Newer version of Maps does not allow absolute URL to stop XSS Attacks.
  20. Change the numberSuffix Symbols

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now.
  21. JSON format

    Hi, Could you please try with this sample?
  22. Hi, Could you please use SWF wmode transparent with setTransparent(true) and set Maps attribute bgalpha='0' with in Map XML? Please follow the attachment.
  23. Save Chart as Image

    Hi, Could you please visit this link for save as image option?
  24. Drill down chart

    Hi, Could you please visit this link?
  25. Pie chart sometime shows a hairline

    Hi, Could you please provide us XML also?