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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Calling javascript functions ..

    Hi, Could you please provide us XML? Here you calling link with <a href=''> link. This link will not work with in XML. Also you are using wrong java script call. Correct code is <a href="javascript:loadTab('div_name','link')" > no [void]. If you want this link work for chart XML then Please use link attribute with in <set> e.i. in DataURL method <set value='100' link='javascript:loadTab('div_name' , 'link' )' /> in DataXML method <set value='100' link='javascript:loadTab(%25apos;div_name' , %25apos;link' )' />
  2. Chart Will Not Display in IE7 With Styles

    Hi, Could you please try with this XML? please see Attachments. data.xml
  3. no suport for some characters

    Hi, Could you please try to use encoded character for this character?
  4. Need Help for 2D chart

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible.
  5. Hi, Could you please try with this example? Please see attachment.
  6. Hi, Could you please use JavaScript API and try with setData(dialIndex, value)? Also see this link
  7. open link in new window

    Hi, Could you please use this concept into widgets? Opening links in new window Quite often, you might want to open the drill-down link in a new window instead of the same window. To have a link open in a new window, all you need to do is, add n- before any link. E.g., <set ... value='2235' ... link='n-ShowDetails.asp%3FMonth%3DJan' ...> The above link, when clicked, would open in a new window. Example XML: <chart caption='Monthly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$'> <set label='Jan' value='17400' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink1.html'/> <set label='Feb' value='19800' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink2.html'/> <set label='Mar' value='21800' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink3.html'/> <set label='Apr' value='23800' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink4.html'/> <set label='May' value='29600' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink5.html'/> <set label='Jun' value='27600' link='n-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink6.html'/> </chart>
  8. XML structure with trendline in it

    Hi, Could you please follow this V3 XML Structure also see this link? <chart caption='Monthly Revenue' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' numberPrefix='$' showValues='0'> <set label='Jan' value='420000' /> <set label='Feb' value='910000' /> <set label='Mar' value='720000' /> <set label='Apr' value='550000' /> <set label='May' value='810000' /> <set label='Jun' value='510000' /> <set label='Jul' value='680000' /> <set label='Aug' value='620000' /> <set label='Sep' value='610000' /> <set label='Oct' value='490000' /> <set label='Nov' value='530000' /> <set label='Dec' value='330000' /> <trendLines> <line startValue='700000' color='009933' displayvalue='Target' /> </trendLines> </chart>
  9. JavaScript Link not working

    Hi, Could you please use this? If you are using dataURL then use link='JavaScript:myJS('NA, 515' );' If you are using dataXML then use link='JavaScript:myJS(%26apos;NA, 515%26apos; );'
  10. Regards color

    Hi, Could you please follow this link?
  11. Weird spacing cutoff problem

    Hi, Could you please use showBorder='0' ?
  12. XML - code to stop caching

    Hi, Could you please see similar post?
  13. show legend in angular gauge

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now.
  14. Weird spacing cutoff problem

    Hi, Could you please try with chartLeftMargin? chartLeftMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the left side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space. chartRightMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the right side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space. chartTopMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the top of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space. chartBottomMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the bottom of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
  15. Increase the chart width dynamically

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now. Every time you are change chart width and height, chart must be reloaded again.
  16. Hi, Could you please use Paddings? PaddingstextVerticalPadding Number Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the list row divider line and the text between the line. navButtonPadding Number Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the last data item and the navigation buttons. The navigation buttons appear only when paging is required. colorBoxPadding Number Horizontal distance between the left edge of the grid and the color box (indicating data color). valueColumnPadding Number Horizontal distance between the data value and the right edge. nameColumnPadding Number Horizontal distance between the data name and the right edge of color box.
  17. Columns are higher than canvas area...

    Hi, Could you please provide us XML?
  18. Calling javascript functions ..

    Hi, yes, it is possible.
  19. ASP.NET.AJAX UpdatePanel Sample #1

    Hi, Could you please use renderChartHTML in Ajax mode? string output = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "", "Data/Data.xml", "chart1", "350", "440", false);
  20. Changing area colors in Combi area/line chart

    Hi, Could you please use dataset's color attribute? <dataset SeriesName="P75" renderas="Area" color="0000FF"> <set value="3.879076559" /> <set value="4.387422565" /> <set value="5.327327567" /> <set value="6.175598158" /> </dataset>
  21. Reversed Y-Axis

    Hi, Could you please try with Inverse y-Axis Charts?
  22. trendLines & categories

    Hi, Could you please follow this? Vertical data separator lines vLines are vertical separator lines that help you separate blocks of data. These lines run through the height of the chart, thereby segregating data into different blocks. In case of bar charts, they are horizontal and run through the width of chart. For example, if you're plotting a chart showing monthly sales from October 2005-Mar 2006, you might want to plot a vertical separator line between Dec 2005 and January 2006 to indicate end of year. In single series charts, the vertical lines are used as under: <set label='Oct 2005' value='35456' /> <set label='Nov 2005' value='28556' /> <set label='Dec 2005' value='36556' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2' /> <set label='Jan 2006' value='45456' /> <set label='Feb 2006' value='35456' /> In multi-series charts, it is used between <category> elements as under: <categories> <category label='Oct 2005' /> <category label='Nov 2005' /> <category label='Dec 2005' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2' /> <category label='Jan 2006' /> <category label='Feb 2006' /> </categories> You can configure the cosmetics of vertical separator lines using the following attributes: Attribute Name Type Range Description color Color Hex Color This attribute defines the color of vertical separator line. thickness Number In Pixels Thickness in pixels of the vertical separator line. alpha Number 0-100 Alpha of the vertical separator line. dashed Boolean 0/1 Whether the vertical separator line should appear as dashed? dashLen Number In Pixels If the vertical separator line is to appear as dashed, this attribute defines the length of dash. dashGap Number In Pixels If the vertical separator line is to appear as dashed, this attribute defines the length of dash gap.
  23. Using UpdatePanel with Widgets

    Hi, Could you please visit this post and try the sample?
  24. Hi, Could you please try with this? <entity id='001' link='P-window_name,width=400,height=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no-' /> Also read this link.
  25. Multiple maps on a single web page

    Hi, Yes you can use multiple maps in one single page. At map render time you have to give different MapID.