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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Label Overlapping

    hi, Could you please use rotateNames as graph attribute and try again strXML ="<graph rotateNames='1' >"
  2. Fusion Chart Themes

    hi, I am afraid no themes available in fusionCharts V3. You can use palette. i.e <chart palette='1'> palette Number 1-5 FusionCharts v3 introduces the concept of Color Palettes. Each chart has 5 pre-defined color palettes which you can choose from. Each palette renders the chart in a different color theme. Valid values are 1-5.
  3. How is the Trend Line calculcated?

    hi, Could you please see this post.
  4. FusionCharts DTD

    hi, could you please see this post.
  5. createChartHTML and registerWithJS

    hi, Could you please try this code for enabling registerWithJS String chartCode=createChartHTML("./FusionCharts/Column2D.swf?registerWithJS=1", strXML, "" , "xyz", 600, 300, false);
  6. Multiline Tooltips ??

    hi, could you please add this style in map xml <styles> <definition> <style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='LABELS' styles='myHTMLFont' /> </application> </styles>
  7. help selecting a period of time

    hi, could you please print $strQuery and after that please run this query into MS Access query and see the query result. also check date with in 'date'??? $strQuery = "SELECT Date, Column1, Column2 FROM [Testing] WHERE Date between '$tarikh' AND '$skrg' ORDER BY Date";
  8. hi, could you please use encoded url and try again. var dataUrl=escape("/graph/categories?begin_date=xxx&finish_date=ttt"); categoriesChart.setDataURL(dataUrl);
  9. Xml invalid

    Hi, Are you rendering FusionCharts using FusionCharts.php? Then you can easily set debug mode. Please see V3 documentation. There php section echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "", $strXML, "FactorySum", 500, 250, true, false);
  10. help selecting a period of time

    Hi, Could you please change date format to m/d/Y format for Access? Please change it to $skrg = date('m/d/Y', strtotime('now')); $tarikh = date('m/d/Y', strtotime('1 august 2008')); $strQuery = "SELECT Date, Column1, Column2 FROM [Testing] WHERE Date='$skrg' AND Date>='$tarikh' ORDER BY Date";
  11. Chart Scaling - Pie2d

    hi, Yes, please see this link you can get all charts reference over there.
  12. Xml invalid

    hi, Could you please check XML with Charts debug mode on?
  13. Hi, Could you please use animation='0' and try again
  14. showVerticalLine

    Hi, I am afraid this is not possible as of now.
  15. Chart Scaling - Pie2d

    hi, Could you please try chart's pieRadius attribute to set and fix the radius of the pie Chart? eg. <chart pieRadius='40' > or <chart pieRadius='60' > pieRadius Number In Pixels This attribute lets you explicitly set the outer radius of the chart. FusionCharts automatically calculates the best fit pie radius for the chart. This attribute is useful if you want to enforce one of your own values.
  16. showVerticalLine

    hi, Could you please try this Vertical data separator lines vLines are vertical separator lines that help you separate blocks of data. These lines run through the height of the chart, thereby segregating data into different blocks. In case of bar charts, they are horizontal and run through the width of chart. For example, if you're plotting a chart showing monthly sales from October 2005-Mar 2006, you might want to plot a vertical separator line between Dec 2005 and January 2006 to indicate end of year. In single series charts, the vertical lines are used as under: <set label='Oct 2005' value='35456' /> <set label='Nov 2005' value='28556' /> <set label='Dec 2005' value='36556' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2' /> <set label='Jan 2006' value='45456' /> <set label='Feb 2006' value='35456' /> In multi-series charts, it is used between <category> elements as under: <categories> <category label='Oct 2005' /> <category label='Nov 2005' /> <category label='Dec 2005' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2' /> <category label='Jan 2006' /> <category label='Feb 2006' /> </categories> You can configure the cosmetics of vertical separator lines using the following attributes: Attribute Name Type Range Description color Color Hex Color This attribute defines the color of vertical separator line. thickness Number In Pixels Thickness in pixels of the vertical separator line. alpha Number 0-100 Alpha of the vertical separator line. dashed Boolean 0/1 Whether the vertical separator line should appear as dashed? dashLen Number In Pixels If the vertical separator line is to appear as dashed, this attribute defines the length of dash. dashGap Number In Pixels If the vertical separator line is to appear as dashed, this attribute defines the length of dash gap.
  17. Strange rendering issue

    Hi, Could you please add FusionCharts.js in your page and if you are already added FusionCharts.js then could you please check javascript path is correct or not?
  18. ChartNoDataText Font

    Hi, Yes this is possible. You can change bgcolor when no data available. Please follow it. var FC=new FusionCharts(swf, Chart Id, width, height, debugMode, registerWithJS, Hex Color Code, scaleMode, lang);
  19. Hi, Could you please try running the application from a web server like IIS or Apache (locally or live)?
  20. Radar not centered when only 3 spikes

    hi, Could you please use size with out 'px' var chart2 = new FusionCharts("<?=$GLOBALS['RelativePath']; ?>powercharts/Radar.swf", "ChartId2", "600", "300", "0", "0");
  21. XML structure inside setDataXML

    hi, Could you please use encoded special characters? If you are using '%' then please use %25 and for '&' please use %26amp;
  22. Hi, Could you please try to pass url encoded url within setDataURL.
  23. hi, Cought you please try this formatNumberScale Boolean 0/1 Configuration whether to add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it - e.g., if formatNumberScale is set to 1, 1043 would become 1.04K (with decimals set to 2 places). Same with numbers in millions - a M will added at the end. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
  24. broken data line graph - please help me!

    hi, Could you please use showLabels=0
  25. hi, Please use FCF_Bar2D.swf chart