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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Hi, Due to '-', could you please use table name and field name with in SQL Command like that way [Table-Name] ### your Code ### $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM dpd-btu-vwp"; ### Use Like This way ### $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [dpd-btu-vwp]"; $strQuery = "SELECT [VWP-10] FROM [DPD-BTU-VWP] WHERE [VWP-10]=" .$ors['VWP-10']; $strQuery = "SELECT [VWP-11] FROM [DPD-BTU-VWP] WHERE [VWP-11]=" .$ors['VWP-11']; $strQuery = "select [VWP-12] from [DPD-BTU-VWP] where [VWP-12]=" .$ors['VWP-12']; $strQuery = "select [VWP-13] from [DPD-BTU-VWP] where [VWP-13]=" .$ors['VWP-13']; $strQuery = "select [VWP-14] from [DPD-BTU-VWP] where [VWP-14]=" .$ors['VWP-14'];
  2. Getting started tutorial failes in ie

    Hi, Please provide us your code then we will help you and please follow PHP documentation.
  3. AJAX ModalPopupExtender & IE6

    Hi cawthor, Thank you for your feed back. For this code you can visit Microsoft MSDN. Please follow that link
  4. AJAX ModalPopupExtender & IE6

    Hi cawthor, You can write this program using ajax postback of chart as well as the XML. I have modified your program. I am using here ICallbackEventHandler as implement. Now modal popup is working perfectly. Could you please try and apply it in your code and give us your valuable feedback?
  5. Hi Divya, will you send us IE screen shot and also your last modified code??
  6. How to create XML?

    Please see online demo and download sample pack
  7. Custom Data Values

    No, but you can use showToolTip='1' in chart tag after that use this, <set value='100' label='Jan 'toolText='Your Text' />
  8. Plotting with varchar

    Hi, Already I gave you xml structure. Follow that structure. here first need to sum of individual category by using sql i.e Select category, sum (quantity) as Qty from table group by category Then fetch this record and using loop put all data into an xml (already given xml structure). further help please follow php sample code and documentation
  9. Plotting with varchar

    Hi Jamie, Please follow the XML for Single series data that will help you and see the documentation <chart caption='Stock' xAxisName='Stock Type' yAxisName='Qty'> <set label='Bearings' value='20' /> <set label='Motors' value='30' /> </chart>
  10. Hi Divya, Could you please remove the space from div id and chart id? After that try again <div id='cm1_Assignment_Status_graph2' align='center'></div> <script language=javascript> var myChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "cm1_Assignment_Status_chart2" , '200', '250'); myChart.setDataXML("<graph xAxisName='' yAxisName='' showNames='1' rotateNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='-1'><set name='Unassigned' value='327' color='F6BD0F' /><set name='Assigned' /></graph>"); myChart.addParam("wmode","transparent"); myChart.render("cm1_Assignment_Status_graph2"); </script> <div id='cm1_Review_Status_graph3' align='center'></div> <script language=javascript> var myChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "cm1_Review_Status_chart3" , '200', '250'); myChart.setDataXML("<graph xAxisName='' yAxisName='' showNames='1' rotateNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='-1'><set name='Not Relevant' /><set name='Relevant' /><set name='Pending' value='327' color='8BBA00' /></graph>"); myChart.addParam("wmode","transparent"); myChart.render("cm1_Review_Status_graph3"); </script>
  11. Custom Data Values

    FusionCharts only takes numeric data value
  12. Problem encoding euro symbol in chart

    Hi Florian, Please follow the documentation also you can see other Special Characters Advanced Charting > Using Special Characters
  13. Use two or more charts in one chart

    Hi, Please see Live demo application.
  14. HELP!

    Hi, Could you please try setting same value for pYAxisMaxValue and sYAxisMaxValue; as well as same value for pYAxisMinValue and sYAxisMinValue.
  15. wmode transparent removes headings

    Hi, Please provide us code sample for details help
  16. ChartNoDataText Font

    Hi, I am afraid, not possible as of now.
  17. addDataFromDatabase x adoDB PHP Class

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, PHPClass does not support adoDB class. We use the standard MYSQL extension only. If you wish to use addDataFromDatabase() you need to use MYSQL connection. You can yourself modify the code to support adoDB
  18. vlines

    Hi, I am afraid this is not possible as off now
  19. Query question

    hi olha, database in MySQL? will you provide us your database backup? then we can test it and give you result.
  20. Combination Chart Column 3D Line (Single Y)

    Hi After seeing your xml data, we think you want your chart looking like this way. Please test this xml, if it
  21. Combination Chart Column 3D Line (Single Y)

    Please provide us XML output with data.
  22. Hi nattawut, Due to XSS attack flash file refuse http://localhost:8080. Here you are using full path with domain. You must provide relative path or absolute path with out domain then it will work.
  23. Multi Series Bar problem

    Hi marnix, Please be sure the path of MSLine.swf and MSBar3D.swf is correct or not. and MSLine.swf and MSBar3D.swf present with in that path or not??
  24. help

    Please use Month wise SQL group by for this select month(Date) as mm, sum(pa) as pa, sum(pb) as pb, sum(pc) as pc from form_results group by month(Date)