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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Hi, Could you please set the relative path of FusionCharts.js respect to your main page i.e aaa.jsp?
  2. Change order data is displayed in a graph

    Hi, I am afraid; Category sorting does not possible as of now.
  3. Export fusion chart to Excel

    Hi, Sorry, It is not possible.
  4. P&S Axisnames

    Hi, pAxisName, sAxisName are invalid attribute. Could you please use <chart> attributes - PYAxisName, SYAXisName? i.e <chart ... PYAxisName="value" SYAXisName="Number of Txns" .. > Chart Titles and Axis Names Using these attributes, you can set the various headings and titles of chart like caption, sub-caption, x-axis and y-axis names etc. Attribute Name Type Description caption String Caption of the chart. subCaption String Sub-caption of the chart. xAxisName String X-Axis Title of the Chart. PYAxisName String Primary Y-Axis title. SYAXisName String Secondary y-axis title Please visit this link
  5. Trendzone doesn't display correctly

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now.
  6. Charting time series

    Hi, No, it is not possible. Only numerical value acceptable.
  7. Hi, Could you please check FusionCharts.js relative path is correct?
  8. Help with Drill Down Charts

    Hi, Could you please follow this links? Also you can visit our blue print application.
  9. Hi, Could you please send us your sample code and xml?
  10. Trendzone doesn't display correctly

    Hi, I am afraid, Combination 3D (Simulated) Chart (Single Y ) SWF: MSCombi3D.swf does not support isTrendZone attribute. Please see bellow for supported attributes. You can control the cosmetic and functional properties of trend-lines using the following attributes: Attribute Name Type Range Description startValue Number Numeric Value The starting value for the trendline. Say, if you want to plot a slanted trendline from value 102 to 109, the startValue would be 102. endValue Number Numeric Value The ending y-axis value for the trendline. Say, if you want to plot a slanted trendline from value 102 to 109, the endValue would be 109. If you do not specify a value for endValue, it would automatically assume the same value as startValue. displayValue String If you want to display a string caption for the trend line by its side, you can use this attribute. Example: displayValue='Last Month High'. When you don't supply this attribute, it automatically takes the value of startValue. color String Hex Code Color of the trend line and its associated text. thickness Number In Pixels If you've opted to show the trend as a line, this attribute lets you define the thickness of trend line. alpha Number 0-100 Alpha of the trend line. valueOnRight Boolean 0/1 Whether to show the trendline value on left side or right side of chart? This is particularly useful when the trend line display values on the chart are colliding with divisional lines values on the chart.
  11. Hi, I am afraid this issue is not related to FusionCharts. Could you please debug yourself? for tooltips Could you please use <set> attribute - toolText='Your Text'. i.e <set ..... toolText='Your Text' .... >
  12. Trendline not displayed

    Hi, Could you please use <chart> attributes - yAxisMaxValue='1000' ? if trendline's endValue rang with in yAxisMaxValue then trendline will drawn. i.e <chart .. yAxisMaxValue='1000' .. > yAxisMaxValue must be > trendline's endValue
  13. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Hi, Could you please use this <chart> attributes - maxColWidth ='20' plotSpacePercent='75 ? i.e <chart ..... maxColWidth ='20' plotSpacePercent='75' .... > or <graph ..... maxColWidth ='20' plotSpacePercent='75' .... >
  14. generating xml file from sqlserver

    Hi, Could you please tell us what type of server(, php , asp, jsp, or other) technologies are you using?
  15. Regarding Documentation on powercharts

    Hi, Please visit the Drag-node Chart chapter with in pcdocs. Also you can find example Code which is available in PowerCharts_Eval pack.
  16. Regarding Documentation on powercharts

    Hi, You can follow this link. also you can follow this.
  17. Hi, Could you please use <chart> - attribute scrollToEnd='1' ? i.e. <chart ... scrollToEnd='1' .... > scrollToEnd Boolean 0/1 When the chart renders, you can opt to scroll to the end of the chart (to show data at extreme right) by setting this attribute as 1.
  18. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Hi, Please proivde us only XML. please use chart debug mode on and copy paste that XML.
  19. I cant able to reduce the size of bar

    Hi, Please provide us your Charts XML?
  20. Hi, See this.
  21. Chart not displaying on JSP

    Hi, Could you please check relative path of FusionCharts.js and .swf file are correct? Also you are using multi series data XML so Please use MSLine.swf chart for that. Line.swf is a single series chart.
  22. Hi, Could you please follow this link?
  23. Markers in setDataXML

    Hi, Could you please modify your Maps XML? You are using attribute with two [ ' ] character. Please use only one [ ' ] character. Aso when you are using DataXML that time please do not use attribute with in [""] id="myCustomShape" use id='yCustomShape' . Please follow this. i.e Your code: <map showCanvasBorder=''0'' animation=''1'' baseFont=''Verdana'' borderColor=''005879'' fillColor=''F2F4F9'' includeValueInLabels=''1'' baseFontSize=''10'' > Change to: <map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' > Full XML: <map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' > <markers> <shapes> <shape id='myCustomShape' type='circle' fillColor='FFFFFF,333333' fillPattern='radial' showBorder='0' radius='4' /> </shapes> <definition> <marker id='BE' x='355.23' y='160.88' label='Berlin' labelPos='bottom' /> </definition> <application> <marker id='BE' shapeId='myCustomShape' /> </application> </markers> </map> DataXML Code: setDataXML("<map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' ><markers><shapes><shape id='myCustomShape' type='circle' fillColor='FFFFFF,333333' fillPattern='radial' showBorder='0' radius='4' /></shapes><definition><marker id='BE' x='355.23' y='160.88' label='Berlin' labelPos='bottom' /></definition><application><marker id='BE' shapeId='myCustomShape' /></application></markers></map>");
  24. Markers in setDataXML

    Hi, Could you please visit this link?