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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. Multiline Tooltips ??

    Hi, Could you please try this? if you are using dataURL method: <map showLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='0' includeValueInLabels='1' > <data> <entity id='IN.AP.AD' displayValue='Adilabad<BR>Ambulance' value='10'/> </data> <styles> <definition> <style name='TTipFont' type='font' isHTML='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='LABELS' styles='TTipFont' /> </application> </styles> </map> if you are using dataXML method: <map showLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='0' includeValueInLabels='1' > <data> <entity id='IN.AP.AD' displayValue='Adilabad%26lt;BR%26gt;Ambulance' value='10'/> </data> <styles> <definition> <style name='TTipFont' type='font' isHTML='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='LABELS' styles='TTipFont' /> </application> </styles> </map>
  2. Hi, Could you please try with 2D Dual Y Combination Chart? Please visit this link.
  3. chartObj.SetDataURL is not a function

    Hi, Could you please see this link and check it? Could you please follow our blue print application?
  4. x-y co-ordinates for Germany??

    Hi, Could you please use x='364.97' y='123.63' ?
  5. Fusion chart hide the tool tip

    Hi, Could you please try using wmode Transparent of charts?
  6. Clickable Marker

    Hi, If you want to open any other web site please use If you want to open other server program or html file with in same domain please use virtual and relative path. i.e link="other/a.html"
  7. Clickable Marker

    Hi, Could you please follow this link?
  8. Clickable Marker

    Hi, Could you please use this XML?
  9. need to make a marker clickable

    Hi, Could you please try with this XML? Could you please see attachment?
  10. need to make a marker clickable

    Hi, Could you please provide us your Map XML and Please tell us your Map swf file and version Name?
  11. need to make a marker clickable

    Hi, Could you please use link attribute? <markers> <definition> <marker id='01' x='360.06' y='209.57' label='Click Me' /> </definition> <application> <marker id='01' shapeId='circle' link='' /> </application> </markers>
  12. Clickable Marker

    Hi, Could you please use link attribute? <markers> <definition> <marker id='01' x='360.06' y='209.57' label='Click Me' /> </definition> <application> <marker id='01' shapeId='circle' link='' /> </application> </markers>
  13. showSum is cut off

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible as of now. Could you please remove the canvas border? Please use canvasBorderAlpha='5'
  14. FusionCharts_Gen error

    Hi, Could you please use this FusionCharts_Gen.asp file?
  15. FusionCharts_Gen error

    Hi, Could you please tell me, are you getting the generated XML or not? Could you please provide us that xml data? Could you please visit chart documentation and check all properties supported are not?
  16. Hi, Could you please visit this links?
  17. Hi, Could you please visit this links?
  18. Axis Label Wrapping

    Hi, I am already used Stagger with legend show its looking great. Could you please see the screen shot and data.xml and try it again? Also you can use smaller font size in x-axis.
  19. Axis Label Wrapping

    Hi, Could you please try with labelDisplay='STAGGER' ? <chart ...... labelDisplay='STAGGER' ..... >
  20. Bar/Line charts values are incorrect

    Hi, Could you please provide us your XML and please tell me your V3 charts version?
  21. special characters

    Hi, Could you please save data.xml as in UTF-8 format? and use this directly. <chart caption='
  22. Hi, Could please use correct chart type? Could you please use this FusionCharts_Gen.asp? see attachment. Your code: ' Set chart type Call FC.setChartType("MSComlumnLine3D") Correct code: ' Set chart type Call FC.setChartType("MSColumnLine3D") also add call FC.setSize("600","400")
  23. Can I Stop Chart from Redrawing?

    Hi, I am afraid it is not possible.
  24. Axis Label Wrapping

    Hi, Could you please charst's attribute labelDisplay='WRAP'? labelDisplay String WRAP, STAGGER, ROTATE or NONE Using this attribute, you can control how your data labels (x-axis labels) would appear on the chart. There are 4 options: WRAP, STAGGER, ROTATE or NONE. WRAP wraps the label text if it's longer than the allotted area. ROTATE rotates the label in vertical or slanted position. STAGGER divides the labels into multiple lines. i.e <chart ...... labelDisplay='WRAP' ..... >
  25. InfoSoftGlobal.dll

    Hi, Could you please use FusionCharts.dll? It is available with in download. Path of the file is FusionCharts_EvaluationCodeC#bin