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Everything posted by Arindam

  1. background image -- make it fit

    Hi, I am afraid, back ground image resizing not possible as of now.
  2. Two series Pie Chart

    Hi, Could please use our Power Charts Multi-level Pie Chart SWF: MultiLevelPie.swf? Please visit this link.
  3. Turn off axis labels via JS

    Hi, I am afraid, overallChart.showLabels='1'; it is not possible from javascript.
  4. Saving and mailing charts

    Hi, I am afraid, it is not possible as of now. setImageSaveURL is not available.
  5. Hi, Could you please see blue print application? You can follow this code also. FC_ChartUpdated method is called when user has changed pointer value. Here, we track down the chage in year Selector Liner Gauge on top of the page function FC_ChartUpdated(DOMId){ //Check if DOMId is that of the chart we want i.e. year selection linear gauge if (DOMId.toLowerCase()=="fg_yearselector"){ //Get reference to the chart var FGRef = getChartFromId(DOMId); //Get the selected value/year var year = Math.round(FGRef.getData(1)); //updating YearSelectionChart to go to the centre of year's value FGRef = getChartFromId("FG_YearSelector"); FGRef.setData(1, year); location.href="abcd.php?year=" + year; } }
  6. Hi, Could you please follow this post?
  7. yAxisName encoding problem

    hi, I am afraid, it does not work when rotateYAxisName='1'.
  8. Hi, I am afraid it is not possible in ScrollStackedColumn2D chart. But you can use Multi-series Stacked Column 2D for this. But scroll not possible in that chart.
  9. How to Display x-axis value in a chart

    Hi, Could you please try with Scatter (XY Plot) Chart? please visit this link.

    Hi, Could you please visit both of link?
  11. Stack charts not showing

    Hi, FusionCharts_Gen.php and FusionCharts.js both must be copied. Could you please check swf path also?
  12. Stack charts not showing

    Hi, Could you please check swf file name? free charts name start with FCF_ but in V3 version only charts name. free chart -> FCF_StackedColumn2D.swf V3 Chart -> StackedColumn2D.swf
  13. Saving and mailing charts

    Hi, You can send URL encoded query string with in imageSaveURL. URL FusionChartsSave.jsp?CID=2&KB=1 encoded URL FusionChartsSave.jsp%3FCID%3D2%26KB%3D1 i.e <chart ...... imageSaveURL='FusionChartsSave.jsp%3FCID%3D2%26KB%3D1' ... > Thanks for implementing this and stretching FusionCharts to this extent. Could you please share the code with the FusionCharts community so that you could help out a huge number of FusionCharts developers. Thanks again
  14. chartObj.SetDataURL is not a function

    Hi, yes you can email me.
  15. chartObj.SetDataURL is not a function

    Hi, could you please send us full source code with attachment?

    Hi, Could you please follow this link?
  17. chartObj.SetDataURL is not a function

    Hi, Could you please on RegisterWithJS option? PHP Render: echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", "<chart></chart>", "myFirst", 600, 300, false, true); Javascript Render: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "chart1Id", "400", "300", "0", "1");
  18. Hi, Could you please try this? var fusionChart = new FusionCharts(this.chartType.url,, "800", "480", "0", "1"); <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  19. How to set the FPS(Frames per Second) property.

    Hi, Could you please try this? var fusionChart = new FusionCharts("tools/FusionCharts_Enterprise/Charts/Pie2D.swf", "12345", "600", "400", "0", "1");<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  20. Why does this generate no data loaded

    Hi, what type of chart are you using? could you please provide us chart flash file name?
  21. XY line graph?

    Hi, Could you please use dataset attribute drawLine='1' ? i.e. <dataset drawLine='1' > drawLine Boolean 0/1 You can opt to connect the scatter points of any dataset using lines. This attribute helps you configure that.
  22. Hi, Your given XML structure unsupported for ScrollStackedColumn2D chart. Could you please see attachment and use that one.
  23. Hi, Literal control used as a place holder for FusionCharts. I am just forcing FusionCharts to be rendered in that region. Could you please create another page? There you can render FusionCharts depending on request object variables. Could you please see our blue print application?
  24. Need help: Multi-bar stacked/line combo graphs

    Hi, Could you please use Stacked Column 3D Line Dual Y Combination Chart SWF: StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf and Multi-series Stacked 2D Line Dual Y Combination Chart SWF: MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf ? visit this links.