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Everything posted by kamatam

  1. No data to display ISSUE

    Hi I am using FusionCharts Free. I am unable to see the chart. The message "No data to display" is shown. Here is the XML I am using: <graph rotateNames='0' animation='1' numdivlines='4' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12' bgColor='F6BD0F' bgAlpha='40' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridAlpha='30' AlternateHGridColor='F6BD0F' divLineColor='F6BD0F' divLineAlpha= 80' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='8BBA00' decimalPrecision='0' caption=' All by Commercial Model' > <categories font='Arial' fontSi e='12'> <category name='Cargo Only'/> </categories> <dataset seriesname='Data Series 1' color='B3AA00' alpha='70' showValues='0' > <set value='41.5'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesname='Data Series 1' color='B3AA00' alpha='70' showValues='0' > <set value='41.5'/> </dataset> <trendLines> <line startVal e='20' endValue='35' color='9D080D' thickness='2' alpha='20' showOnTop='0' displayValue='Trend 1' isTrendZone='1'/> </trendLines> </graph> This is the script , im using in my jsp... to invoke <script type="text/javascript"> if(document.getElementById('xmlString').value != ''){ var swfFilePath ="<%=path%>/fusioncharts/FCF_Column3D.swf"; //alert(swfFilePath); var myChart = new FusionCharts(swfFilePath, "myChartId", "900", "425"); alert("hi->"+document.getElementById('xmlString').value); myChart.setDataXML(document.getElementById('xmlString').value); myChart.render("chartdiv"); } else{ document.getElementById('noChartdiv').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('chartdiv').style.display='none'; } </script> I have also included "FusionCharts.js" file... Its entering into setDataXML() and render() , But still its not able to generate Can any one help me with this issue. Thxs in adv
  2. No data to display ISSUE

    Its works.. thxs a lot
  3. No data to display ISSUE

    Hi Madhumitha, Can you pls share " FCF_MSColumn3D.swf " , Such that i can try out and see. Cheers sriK