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Everything posted by Biznick

  1. VLine Not Working On Chart

    I am new to FusionCharts (reviewing the product for our company) and I've run into a problem with Vertical Lines. We have several charts we want to produce that contain vertical lines but simply using the numVDivLines won't work because the location of our vertical lines are not always equally seperated. I've attached an example chart which shows Occupancy for a month. In this case, we want to have vertical lines on the Sunday of each week. This is also the only x labels we have, even though we have a data point for each day. Now I realize that in the example below I could just use <set> and never use <category> since I have only one line, but in many instances we will have multiple datasets. Is it possible to set VLine in a graph when using categories and multiple datasets? I am using the MSLine.swf chart. Thanks for the assistance. Nick exampleXml.txt
  2. VLine Not Working On Chart

    My apologies for the post. I have solved the issue. In the case of multiple datasets, the vLine must be places in the categories section not the datasets section. Thank you for the help anyways Nick
  3. Huge (>~3000px) Problems

    I would like to know the system that needs a +3000px chart! I envy you sir