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Everything posted by hlukes

  1. We have a multiseries Chart that has four categories - 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. On the screen and on the Saved to JPG/PDF all four items show up on the legend and in the chart. However when we use the Print Chart option, only the first three items show up in the legend - the data all shows up in the chart but the legend is missing the final category. It does it in IE and Firefox... We are using the latest version of FusionCharts with ColdFusion.
  2. We have a series of dials where the client can filter by several categories to show the values for specific categories. Periodically the data set is very small - 2 or 3 data points so that the min/max and average are all very close - in this specific case the min is 16.57 and the max is 16.61 The XML is generated dynamically for the 8 widgets that show up on the page. The chart displays the correct numbers at min and max but it generates 1.66, etc on for the major ticks. Is there something that I should be doing so it can do it at a more granular level?? <chart bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' gaugestartAngle='235' gaugeendAngle='-55' lowerLimit='16.57' upperLimit='16.61' majorTMNumber='11' adjustTM='0' majorTMThickness='4' majorTMColor='F48900' majorTMHeight='15' minorTMNumber='4' minorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='000000' minorTMHeight='13' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeOuterRadius='105' gaugeInnerRadius='85%' baseFontColor='000000' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10' showShadow='0' pivotRadius='20' pivotFillColor='000000,F48900' pivotFillType='linear' pivotFillRatio='60,40' pivotFillAngle='240' annRenderDelay='0' lowerLimitDisplay='16.6 (Min)' upperLimitDisplay='16.6 (Max)' tickValueDistance='19' chartLeftMargin='25' chartRightMargin='25'><trendpoints><point startValue='16.6' endValue='16.6' radius='120' innerRadius='0' color='F48900' alpha='35' showBorder='0'/><point startValue='16.5884991794' displayValue='AVG' color='00CC00' thickness='4' alpha='200' valueInside='0' radius='110' /></trendpoints><dials><dial value='0' color='E70E00' borderColor='E70E00' baseWidth='15' topWidth='1' radius='85' /></dials><styles><definition><style name='pivotGlow' type='glow' color='F48900' blurX='15' blurY='15' alpha='60'/><style name='circleBlur' type='blur'/><style name='TTipFont' type='font' color='F48900' bgColor='000000' borderColor='F48900' font='Verdana' size='10'/></definition><application><apply toObject='PIVOT' styles='pivotGlow'/><apply toObject='Grp1' styles='circleBlur'/><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TTipFont'/></application></styles></chart>
  3. We are using the new printmanager which is great but we have one page with 15 charts on it. The print button becomes enabled after the 1st chart is finished which doesn't help. Is there a way to change that so it only does it after ALL of the charts are ready?
  4. CrossDomain Issue

    We have two domains www.mydomain.com and office.mydomain.com We have our FusionCharts directory on the www server (same physical server - just different paths) and have mapped a path in IIS to the directory where fusioncharts is for the office.mydomain.com site. However, the FusionCharts do not render when we access them through office.domain.com/mycharts/ but they do when we render them through www.domain.com/mycharts/ This only happens in IE. I tried a crossdomain.xml file in the root of both office and www but that didn't seem to help the issue. Ideas?
  5. CrossDomain Issue

    Ah - it was an SSL issue. Removed the SSL from the URL and it pops right up under IE.
  6. We are using the client side save in a number of places but we just added it to one spot and it doesn't work. The Waiting button never changes to Save. Copied the code from one page to another so I am not sure what piece I messed up... I have the FusionChartsExportComponent.js include at the top of the page... FusionCharts Export Handler Component
  7. dataXML vs urlXML

    I am using the ColdFusion renderChart function. When I use: #renderChart("FusionWidgets/AngularGauge.swf", "", mytest.xml, "NameA", 225, 225, false, false)# - the chart does not render - it just says "Chart" where the chart should be. If I copy the generated xml from view source and create testdash.xml and reference like below #renderChart("FusionWidgets/AngularGauge.swf", "testdash.xml", "", "NameA", 225, 225, false, false)# - the chart renders just fine. So obviously it isn't my XML that is the problem... Any ideas what I am doing wrong??
  8. dataXML vs urlXML

    OK - I finally got the right group of keywords and found what I was looking for in a previous post - there were line returns in the generated xml. Removed the last one of those and it works great!
  9. dataXML vs urlXML

    sorry - I wrote this wrong to begin with. I don't have a .xml after myXML - that is the string xml that i am creating with my code. #renderChart("FusionWidgets/AngularGauge.swf", "", myXML, "NameA", 225, 225, false, false)#
  10. dataXML vs urlXML

    That turns it in to a string and I get "No Data to Display". The other way it is generating the javascript/flash for the document (viewable in the source code) but the words "Chart." appears and not the chart. The XML works as a file but I don't want to keep creating xml files over and over again for hundreds of users and hundreds of charts...