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About snake001

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  1. Hide caption of the chart

    Hi, again - sorry for late response, but I remember about this post I attached generated XML. the _chartName is set in constructor, as following: Dim _chartName As String Public Sub New() _chartName = "GeneralChart" EndSub and it is used later on to set exportFileName parameter (so I guess it should be proper name). [EDIT] One more thing that comes to mind. I use it with Telerik's RadWindow Control. i.e. I have 4 charts on the page. When I click export all, rad window is opened and batch exporter is rendered inside that window. RadWindow serves as a controls container rather than display separate url. chart-data.xml
  2. Hide caption of the chart

    Hi, thx for the reply. And sorry for not getting back earlier. I noticed that parameter, and actually set it, but it didn't help.I set up the whole XML programmatically, below is the code I use: xDoc.Element("chart").Add( _ New XAttribute("xAxisName", "axis name"), _ New XAttribute("showValues", "0"), _ New XAttribute("exportEnabled", "1"), _ New XAttribute("exportAtClient", "1"), _ New XAttribute("exportHandler", "fcBatchExporter"), _ [b]New XAttribute("exportFileName", _chartName), _[/b] New XAttribute("bgColor", "FFFFFF"), _ New XAttribute("showBorder", "0"), _ New XAttribute("showPlotBorder", "1"), _ [b]New XAttribute("caption", chartCaption), _[/b] New XAttribute("chartTopMargin", "0"), _ New XAttribute("canvasTopMargin", "0"), _ New XAttribute("SformatNumberScale", "1")) I probably wasn't detailed enough last post - but you can see now that I use batch exporter (as per documentation). chartCaption etc are variables, that are defined for sure. And still it didn't work
  3. Hide caption of the chart

    Hi, I have following situation. I do not want to display chart's caption, as this one is already covered by div sorrounding the chart. I want, however, to have the caption attribute for the chart set, i.e. I want this, because I use exporter and would like to have friendly name for that chart, and not chart0, chart1 etc. But unfortunately, I can't see a straight way to do that easily in xml. In order to work around, I used font size = 0 (though it doesnt solve the problem, as it is still, barely, but visibile). I set the color to be the same as the background and finally played a little bit with margins. Is there a better/easier way to do it? Thanks, s001