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  1. I'm using following FusionChart option to Save the image to Server-Side PHP: [ 'chart' => [ "exportEnabled" => "1", "exportAtClient" => "0", "exportAction" => "save", "exportHandler" => "/fusioncharts/export-handlers/php-export-handler/index.php", "exportFileName" => $chartImagesFileName, 'categories' => [ ['category' => $labels] ], 'dataset' => [ ['seriesname' => '...', 'data' => $reg], ['seriesname' => '...', 'data' => $billed] ] ] Javascript: $(document).on('click', '#download-csv', function(e) { var id = "#" + chartUid + " .fusioncharts-container div:contains('Export As PNG')" ; $( id ).trigger("click"); }); Here, /fusioncharts/export-handlers/php-export-handler/index.php is able to generate image and print the filename. But my problem is, on triggering click, I'm unable to get the filename. How can I resolve this issue in FusionChart?