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Everything posted by pawajee

  1. I'm creating a chart which calls a JavaScript function and pass some values when a bar is clicked, the problem is it works with the english language but for other languages it corrupting the unicode string. Test it by clicking on any bar after rendering, here is the sample code: <html> <head> <title>Chart test</title> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <form id="Form1" method="post" name="Form1"> <script type="text/javascript"> var SampleChart; function ShowAlert(msg) { alert(msg); } setTimeout(function() { SampleChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSColumn3DLineDY.swf", "fcSimpleDataChartSimpleLayout10", "400", "450", "0", "1"); SampleChart.setDataXML("<chart palette='4' caption='Simple Chart' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' showBorder ='0' PYAxisName='Subject Marks' numberPrefix='' SnumberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='0' decimals='0' useRoundEdges='1'><categories><category label='Asif' /></categories><dataset seriesName='????' color = 'f1f109' ><set value='61' toolText='TestToolTip: $61.00' link='j-ShowAlert-????' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='English' color ='4fc820'><set value='32' toolText='TestToolTip: $32.00' link='j-ShowAlert-????' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Hindi' color ='f7bdc2'><set value='56' toolText='TestToolTip: 56.00' link='j-ShowAlert-???' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Arabic' color ='eacf79'><set value='78' toolText='TestToolTip: $78.00' link='j-ShowAlert-??' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Full Name' color ='d7a268'><set value='???? ???? ????' toolText='TestToolTip: ???? ???? ????' link='j-DrillDownWidget-fcSimpleDataChart|||Subject||FullName||StudentName||Asif' /></dataset></chart>"); SampleChart.addParam("WMode", "transparent"); SampleChart.render("SampleChart_div"); }, 1); </script> <div id="SampleChart_div">Chart. </div> </form> </body> </html>
  2. I'm fetching XML data from a web service which takes time to execute, I want to show a Message on the chart before calling the web service so that user is notified that the data is being retrieved. When the data is fetched from the web service reply I will use the setDataXML() java script function to set the data. Please someone help me.