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Everything posted by mike_

  1. I have a fusion map of India showing states and I want to use drill down in such a way that when I click on Delhi, it should drill down to fusion map of Delhi and when i click on Mumbai it should drill down to fusion map of Mumbai etc. How should i use fusion map ConfigureLink() function for the mentioned scenario. I am able to do this, if it's a common drill down for both Mumbai and Delhi but getting difficulties in different drill downs at the same level. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
  2. I have tried but unable to get the solution. Please help me out. How to use multiple 'type : ' at same point or level in configureLink().
  3. I have tried but unable to get the solution. Please help me out. How to use multiple 'type : ' at same point or level in configureLink().
  4. Than Thanks for replying. My question is that:- how should I write map.configureLink() for different drill down outputs at the same level. It means - Suppose I have fusion map of world and when I click on Asia, it should drill down to fusion map of Asia, when I click on Europe, it should drill down to fusion map of Europe, when I click on Africa, it should drill down to fusion map of Africa, when I click on South America, it should drill down to fusion map of South America and when I click on North America, it should drill down to fusion map of North America. How should I achieve this using map.configureLink(). Thanks in advance.