Vijaya Bhaskar V
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Help creating Stacked Bar chart with JSP, Java and DB data
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to spoclate's topic in FusionCharts and JSP
Hi , Can you please help me to resolve the issue . i cant be able to generate the charts . -
Help creating Stacked Bar chart with JSP, Java and DB data
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to spoclate's topic in FusionCharts and JSP
Here I have pasted the code which I am using .please check I have modified the sever name and password s I am using stacked bar chart using jsp . <%-- Document : stacked-bar-db Created on : Apr 17, 2017, 10:35:45 AM Author : FusionCharts --%> <%@page import="javax.swing.JOptionPane"%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@page import="java.util.*" %> <%@page import="com.google.gson.*" %> <% /* The following 4 code lines contain the database connection information. Alternatively, you can move these code lines to a separate file and include the file here. You can also modify this code based on your database connection. */ // String hostdb = "localhost:3306"; // MySQl host // String userdb = "root"; // MySQL username // String passdb = ""; // MySQL password // String namedb = "fusioncharts_jspsample"; // MySQL database name // Establish a connection to the database // DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver()); // Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + hostdb + "/" + namedb , userdb , passdb); String DBURL1 = "jdbc:sqlserver://servername;databaseName=testdb;user=test;password=test"; Connection con=null ; Statement st=null; ResultSet rs=null; Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"); con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DBURL1); st = con.createStatement(); %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Creating Charts with Data from a Database - fusioncharts.com</title> <!-- Step 1: Include the `fusioncharts.js` file. This file is needed to render the chart. Ensure that the path to this JS file is correct. Otherwise, it may lead to JavaScript errors. --> <script src="fusioncharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chart"></div> <!-- Step 2: Include the `FusionCharts.java` file as a package in your project. --> <%@page import="fusioncharts.FusionCharts" %> <!-- Step 3:Include the package in the file where you want to show FusionCharts as follows. Step 4: Create a chart object using the FusionCharts JAVA class constructor. Syntax for the constructor: `FusionCharts("type of chart", "unique chart id", "width of chart", "height of chart", "div id to render the chart", "data format", "data source")` --> <% /* google-gson Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of. link : https://github.com/google/gson */ Gson gson = new Gson(); // Form the SQL query that returns the top 10 most populous countries // String sql="SELECT * FROM stackedbarchart"; rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM stackedbarchart"); // Execute the query. // PreparedStatement pt=con.prepareStatement(sql); // ResultSet result=pt.executeQuery(); System.out.println("Result of sql one"+rs); // The 'chartobj' map object holds the chart attributes and data. Map<String, String> chartobj = new HashMap<String, String>();//for getting key value pair chartobj.put("caption", "Product-wise quarterly revenue in current year"); chartobj.put("subCaption", "Harrys SuperMart"); chartobj.put("captionFontSize", "14"); chartobj.put("subcaptionFontSize", "14"); chartobj.put("subcaptionFontBold", "0"); chartobj.put("paletteColors", "#0075c2,#1aaf5d"); chartobj.put("bgcolor", "#ffffff"); chartobj.put("showBorder", "0"); chartobj.put("showShadow", "0"); chartobj.put("showCanvasBorder", "0"); chartobj.put("valueFontColor","#ffffff"); chartobj.put("usePlotGradientColor", "0"); chartobj.put("legendBorderAlpha", "0"); chartobj.put("legendShadow", "0"); chartobj.put("showAxisLines", "0"); chartobj.put("showAlternateHGridColor", "0"); chartobj.put("divlineThickness", "1"); chartobj.put("divLineDashed", "1"); chartobj.put("divLineDashLen", "1"); chartobj.put("divLineGapLen", "1"); chartobj.put("xAxisName", "Quarter"); chartobj.put("yAxisName","Revenue(In USD)"); chartobj.put("showValues", "1"); chartobj.put("showHoverEffect","1"); //prepare categories ArrayList categories = new ArrayList(); ArrayList dataset = new ArrayList(); int id1,id2,id3; String a =""; while (rs.next()) { id1=rs.getInt(3); id2=rs.getInt(4); //id3=rs.getInt(2); a=rs.getString(2); System.out.println("Result of sql two1"+id1); System.out.println("Result of sql two2"+id2); System.out.println("Result of sql two3"+a); //System.out.println("Result of sql two3"+id3); } categories.add(buildCategories("label",rs,gson)); System.out.println("Result of sql buildCategories"+buildCategories("label",rs,gson)); dataset.add(buildDataset("RamcoCount","ramco_imp", rs, gson)); dataset.add(buildDataset("PartnerCount", "partner_imp", rs, gson)); System.out.println("Result of sql buildDataset"+buildDataset("PartnerCount", "partner_imp", rs, gson)); // }System.out.println("Result of sql two"+categories); //prepare dataset System.out.println("Result of sql three"+dataset); //close the connection. rs.close(); //create 'dataMap' map object to make a complete FusionCharts datasource. Map<String, String> dataMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); /* gson.toJson() the data to retrieve the string containing the JSON representation of the data in the array. */ dataMap.put("chart", gson.toJson(chartobj)); dataMap.put("categories", gson.toJson(categories)); dataMap.put("dataset", gson.toJson(dataset)); FusionCharts mslineChart= new FusionCharts( "stackedbar2d",// chartType "chart1",// chartId "600","400",// chartWidth, chartHeight "chart",// chartContainer "json",// dataFormat gson.toJson(dataMap) //dataSource ); System.out.println(dataMap); %> <%! /** * @description - Build the Json for the categories * @param {String} data_item - Name of the column from table * @param {ResultSet} rs - The object of ResultSet maintains a * cursor pointing to a particular row of data. * @param {Gson} gson - Gson is a Java library that can be used * to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. * @return {Map Object} */ public Map buildCategories(String data_item, ResultSet rs,Gson gson) { //creation of the inner category Map<String, String> categoryinner = new HashMap<String, String>(); ArrayList category = new ArrayList(); int counter = -1; try { //to restore the position of the result set. rs.beforeFirst(); while(rs.next()) { //for creating the key value for the category label from database. Map<String, String> lv = new HashMap<String, String>(); lv.put("label", rs.getString(data_item)); category.add(lv); counter ++; } categoryinner.put("category", gson.toJson(category)); System.out.println(categoryinner); }catch(Exception ex) {/* if any error occurs */} return categoryinner; } /** * @description - Build the Json for datasets * @param {String} seriesname - Lets you specify the series * name for a particular dataset. * @param {String} seriescolumnname - Name of the column from table * @param {ResultSet} - The object of ResultSet maintains a * cursor pointing to a particular row of data. * @param {Gson} gson - Gson is a Java library that can be used * to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. * @return {Map Object} - */ public Map buildDataset(String seriesname, String seriescolumnname, ResultSet rs, Gson gson ) { Map<String, String> datasetinner = new HashMap<String, String>(); datasetinner.put("seriesname", seriesname); ArrayList makedata = new ArrayList(); try { //is used to move the cursor to the first row in result set object. rs.beforeFirst(); while(rs.next()) { Map<String, String> preparedata = new HashMap<String, String>(); preparedata.put("value", rs.getString(seriescolumnname)); makedata.add(preparedata); } datasetinner.put("data", gson.toJson(makedata)); } catch(Exception err) {/* if any error occurs */} return datasetinner; } %> <!-- Step 5: Render the chart --> <%= mslineChart.render() %> </body> </html> -
Help creating Stacked Bar chart with JSP, Java and DB data
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to spoclate's topic in FusionCharts and JSP
Hi , I have pasted the log results from ide . Result of sql oneSQLServerResultSet:9 Result of sql two12 Result of sql two220 Result of sql two3HCM Result of sql two1100 Result of sql two2200 Result of sql two3ERP Result of sql two1100 Result of sql two2200 Result of sql two3AVN Result of sql buildCategories{} Result of sql buildDataset{seriesname=PartnerCount} Result of sql three[{seriesname=RamcoCount}, {seriesname=PartnerCount}] stjavafile{"chart":{"showShadow":"0","showValues":"1","divLineDashLen":"1","caption":"Product-wise quarterly revenue in current year","showAxisLines":"0","showBorder":"0","showCanvasBorder":"0","valueFontColor":"#ffffff","usePlotGradientColor":"0","showAlternateHGridColor":"0","paletteColors":"#0075c2,#1aaf5d","captionFontSize":"14","bgcolor":"#ffffff","yAxisName":"Revenue(InUSD)","legendBorderAlpha":"0","divlineThickness":"1","xAxisName":"Quarter","divLineDashed":"1","subCaption":"Harrys SuperMart","divLineGapLen":"1","subcaptionFontBold":"0","showHoverEffect":"1","subcaptionFontSize":"14","legendShadow":"0"},"categories":[{}],"dataset":[{"seriesname":"RamcoCount"},{"seriesname":"PartnerCount"}]} {chart={"showShadow":"0","showValues":"1","divLineDashLen":"1","caption":"Product-wise quarterly revenue in current year","showAxisLines":"0","showBorder":"0","showCanvasBorder":"0","valueFontColor":"#ffffff","usePlotGradientColor":"0","showAlternateHGridColor":"0","paletteColors":"#0075c2,#1aaf5d","captionFontSize":"14","bgcolor":"#ffffff","yAxisName":"Revenue(InUSD)","legendBorderAlpha":"0","divlineThickness":"1","xAxisName":"Quarter","divLineDashed":"1","subCaption":"Harrys SuperMart","divLineGapLen":"1","subcaptionFontBold":"0","showHoverEffect":"1","subcaptionFontSize":"14","legendShadow":"0"}, categories=[{}], dataset=[{"seriesname":"RamcoCount"},{"seriesname":"PartnerCount"}]} jsonjavafile{type: "stackedbar2d",renderAt: "chart",width: "600",height: "400",dataFormat: "json",id: "chart1",dataSource: __dataSource__} outputHTMLelseifjavafile -
Help creating Stacked Bar chart with JSP, Java and DB data
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to spoclate's topic in FusionCharts and JSP
Hi . I am also trying the same configuration with SQL server . But it is not working . I can be able to get the data from database when I tried to print the same . But when I tried to pass the result set in build categories and build dataset the data is returning with empty values . Can u please help me on this -
Howto fusionchart XT Multi-series chart from Database (SQL)
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to stineco's topic in FusionCharts and PHP
Hi , I need the sample code for multi series bar chart only . I have tried the bar chart . That gets worked out . But in multi series or stacked charts only the forming of data is difficult . -
Howto fusionchart XT Multi-series chart from Database (SQL)
Vijaya Bhaskar V replied to stineco's topic in FusionCharts and PHP
Can you please provide the sample for mysql using jsp