I'm wondering how to use non-breaking space with Fusion Charts. It seems to be treating non-breaking space as normal space. I've played around with a number of scenarios, for example using   in the caption, or using and   In all the cases I tried, the non-breaking space was treated as a plain old space character.
Here is example. Note the label for the first data point has been modified from the sample chart to include  Q1. When I render this chart, I get a line break between Jan and Q1.
<chart caption="Monthly revenue for last year" subcaption="Harry's SuperMart" xaxisname="Month" yaxisname="Revenues (In USD)" numberprefix="$" theme="fint">
<set label="Jan Q1" value="420000" />
<set label="Feb" value="810000" />
<set label="Mar" value="720000" />
<set label="Apr" value="550000" />
<set label="May" value="910000" />
<set label="Jun" value="510000" />
<set label="Jul" value="680000" />
<set label="Aug" value="620000" />
<set label="Sep" value="610000" />
<set label="Oct" value="490000" />
<set label="Nov" value="900000" />
<set label="Dec" value="730000" />
Here is the JavaScript, nothing fancy:
var myChart = new FusionCharts({
"type": "column2d",
"renderAt": "chartContainer",
"width": "500",
"height": "300",
"dataFormat": "xmlurl",
"dataSource": "data.xml"