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About uk_fs

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  1. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    I tried the latest version and it still seems to show the same behavior. Any update on what cases can trigger this to happen? Like I mentioned earlier, if you can help us with possible cases from a developer perspective we will try to see if we can fix it on our side.
  2. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    Thanks for the update. Sounds good. Will try the latest version and see.
  3. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    Any update on this? I am looking for your developer perspective on what situation can cause this to happen as the 'abcd..wxyz' text is coming from fusioncharts.js and it was working well before the 3.12.1 version
  4. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    Yes, this one seems to work fine. I am not sure what is making the text show up in our chart. Can you please give any insight of why this can happen on a chart as I mentioned earlier that the createDummyText method from fusioncharts.js method is generating this text. I tried different ways of hiding the text but that is messing up how the choices show up for a pie chart.
  5. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    Sorry about the delay. I tried the fiddle but it does not seem to show any output. Please see the attached file. Can you please give a developer perspective on why the 'createDummyText' method is added and how it is effecting the chart. I tried to go through the code differences from 3.12.0 to 3.12.1 and this was one of the methods that was added. Inside this method, it is adding the text node 'abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. Any help is appreciated.
  6. Version 3.12.1 upgrade caused issues

    Thanks for looking into this. Below is a sample code that generates a chart and it has the issue of the 'abcd...z' showing up. <chart theme='fint' baseFontSize='14' valueFontSize='14' legendItemFontSize='12' pieRadius='57' caption='Browser Stats' xAxisName='Browser' yAxisName='Visitors' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0'> <set label='Chrome' value='2' /> </chart>
  7. We have upgraded to the 3.12.1 version recently and started noticing that the charts are putting a text 'abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. Going back to 3.12.0 seems to show the charts fine. Looking up the fusioncharts.js. I see that the in line 526 and 989, there is 'document.createTextNode("abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz")'. Anyone know why this is added or what is the reason that is causing the text to show up now. Attached is a screenshot.
  8. We have upgraded to the 3.12.1 version recently and started noticing that the charts are putting a text 'abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. Going back to 3.12.0 seems to show the charts fine. Looking up the fusioncharts.js. I see that the in line 526 and 989, there is 'document.createTextNode("abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz")'. Anyone know why this is added or what is the reason that is causing the text to show up now. Attached is a screenshot.