When I enable transparent of opaque WMODE in javascript, flash context menu no longer shows up when right clicking on the chart. So there is no way to trigger Export/Print chart etc.
myChart.addParam("WMode", "Transparent");
Is there any workaround?
Using default WMODE ("window) allows context menu to work but this causes issues with flash overlaying popup windows.
I've seen this topic discussed on the forum, but not clear whether anyone has actually managed to get this to work. The main use case is generating scheduled reports incl. flash charts on the server side.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
From FusionCharts documentation:
My application supports scheduled reports some of which include charts. Scheduled reports are rendered in PDF format and automatically e-mailed to customers on the server side. We want scheduled reports to include FusionCharts charts.
So I'm wondering if anyone has a workaround for this issue other than using two different charting tools.