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About CalBroon

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    Forum Newbie
  1. PHP While loop for linked chart data

    Hi Prerana, I've tried using this technique but it keeps coming back with "data": null
  2. PHP While loop for linked chart data

    But in that document, the drill down data is on another page, so when I click the bar chart to drill down, it navigates to another page. Is there any way to have it stay on the same page, as shown in the doc example?
  3. Hi, I need some help with the data within a linked chart, I'm trying to use a while loop to populate the data within the linked chart, I thought I had it figured out but it doesn't seem to work, any help would be appreciated. Here's the code I have for the while loop. array_push($arrData["linkeddata"], array( "id" => "2016", "linkedchart" => array( "chart" => array( "caption" => "Yearly spend", "xAxisName" => "Year", "yAxisName" => "Spend (In GBP)", "formatNumber" => "1", "yFormatNumber" => "1", "formatNumberScale" => "0", "decimalSeparator" => ".", "thousandSeparator" => ",", "numberPrefix" => "£", "rotateValues" => "0", "placeValuesInside" => "0", "rotateValues" => "1", "decimals" => "2", "valueFont" => "Arial", "valueFontColor" => "#000", "valueFontSize" => "12", "valueFontBold" => "0", "valueFontItalic" => "0", "theme" => "fint"), "data" => array( while ($Spend = $SpendData->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array( "label" => $Spend['Year'], "value" => $Spend['SpendValue'] ), } ) ) ));