Bharath Pj

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About Bharath Pj

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Can i save the attachment in the project folder without click download???? Thanks
  2. Okay Thanks. i will check and come back to you...
  3. okay i understand.But i want to sent the attachment to the server before download or without download the file. is it possible in fusion chart?
  4. The above links are didn't clear my doubt. I am asking about, how do i do that manual exporting???? please provide a detailed solution. Thanks
  5. I want to export chart as image format like an attachment. And i have done up to view chart using React.js but i cant get the chart as an attachment for sent mail to client. How can i done this? please give the example code for this...... am trying using this below code to get chart attachment var chartObject = new FusionCharts(DOMId); chartObject.exportChart(); How can i implement this as complete.Thanks
  6. I want to get export image file to as an attachment. How can i implement this with React.js? Thanks