Hello Team,
i have the problem in python Django does when i take the special Special Character degree it will not display on browser
This is my django code < views.py>
def weather_chart(request):
tester = sensoren.objects.filter(sensorname='Aussen').order_by('-id')[:1]
dataSource1 = {}
dataSource1['chart'] = {
"caption":"Temperatur Alfdorf",
"subCaption":"Aktueller Tagesverlauf °",
"labeldisplay": "ROTATE",
"slantlabels": "1",
dataSource1['data'] =[]
for key in sensoren.objects.filter(sensorname='Aussen', \
messdatum__range=[datetime.combine(date.today(), time.min), \
datetime.combine(date.today(), time.max)]):
data = {}
data['label'] = datetime.time(key.messdatum).strftime("%H:%M")
data['value'] = key.temperatur
# Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
column2d = FusionCharts("line", "ex1" , "450", "300", "Temperchart", "json", dataSource1)
this is the html code
<div id="Temperchart">
<script type="text/javascript">
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
new FusionCharts({"width": "450", "renderAt": "Temperchart", "dataFormat": "json", "type": "line", "height": "300", "id": "ex1", "dataSource": {"data": [{"label": "00:00", "value": "-8.5"}, {"label": "00:15", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "00:30", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "00:45", "value": "-9.2"}, {"label": "01:00", "value": "-9.1"}, {"label": "01:15", "value": "-9.0"}, {"label": "01:30", "value": "-9.5"}, {"label": "01:45", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "02:00", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "02:15", "value": "-10.3"}, {"label": "02:30", "value": "-10.4"}, {"label": "02:45", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "03:00", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "03:15", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "03:30", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "03:45", "value": "-9.6"}, {"label": "04:00", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "04:15", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "04:30", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "04:45", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "05:00", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "05:15", "value": "-9.6"}, {"label": "05:30", "value": "-9.5"}, {"label": "05:45", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:00", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:15", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:30", "value": "-9.7"}, {"label": "06:45", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "07:00", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:15", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:30", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:45", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "08:00", "value": "-9.4"}, {"label": "08:15", "value": "-9.4"}, {"label": "08:30", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "08:45", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "09:00", "value": "-8.2"}, {"label": "09:15", "value": "-7.2"}, {"label": "09:30", "value": "-6.2"}, {"label": "09:45", "value": "-5.2"}, {"label": "10:00", "value": "-4.5"}, {"label": "10:15", "value": "-3.9"}, {"label": "10:30", "value": "-3.6"}, {"label": "10:45", "value": "-3.5"}, {"label": "11:00", "value": "-3.0"}, {"label": "11:15", "value": "-3.0"}, {"label": "11:30", "value": "-2.5"}, {"label": "11:45", "value": "-2.1"}, {"label": "12:00", "value": "-1.7"}, {"label": "12:15", "value": "-1.5"}, {"label": "12:30", "value": "-1.2"}, {"label": "12:45", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "13:00", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "13:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "13:30", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "13:45", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "14:00", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "14:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "14:30", "value": "-0.6"}, {"label": "14:45", "value": "-0.7"}, {"label": "15:00", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "15:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "15:30", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "15:45", "value": "-1.2"}, {"label": "16:00", "value": "-1.3"}, {"label": "16:15", "value": "-1.6"}, {"label": "16:30", "value": "-2.0"}, {"label": "16:45", "value": "-2.0"}, {"label": "17:00", "value": "-2.5"}, {"label": "17:15", "value": "-3.2"}, {"label": "17:30", "value": "-3.8"}, {"label": "17:45", "value": "-4.4"}, {"label": "18:00", "value": "-5.1"}, {"label": "18:15", "value": "-5.9"}, {"label": "18:30", "value": "-6.5"}, {"label": "18:45", "value": "-6.8"}, {"label": "19:00", "value": "-6.7"}, {"label": "19:15", "value": "-6.6"}, {"label": "19:30", "value": "-6.6"}, {"label": "19:45", "value": "-6.5"}, {"label": "20:00", "value": "-6.3"}, {"label": "20:15", "value": "-6.5"}], "chart": {"drawAnchors": "0", "yAxisNameFontSize": "14", "yAxisName": "Temperatur", "caption": "Temperatur Alfdorf", "labelStep": "4", "slantlabels": "1", "labeldisplay": "ROTATE", "captionOnTop": "1", "theme": "fint", "showValues": "0", "subCaption": "Aktueller Tagesverlauf u00b0"}}});
<script type="text/javascript">
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
and the screenshot is at the attachment.
has anybody a solution?