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Everything posted by solkatten

  1. I have a meny where different charts are showns. Fushioncharts works fine bur FushionWidgets Angular Gauge doesn't. When open a browser and clicking on a menu the right chart and gauge is shown. When clicking on another menu the right chart is shown, but the same gauge even when everything else on the page is correct updated and the .xml file with the data is updated as well. I use Codeignitor, PHP and the free version of Fusionchart and Fushionwidget. What is wrong?
  2. This is in the view .php file: <div id="chartdiv" align="center"> The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("", "myChartId", "200", "100", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL(""); myChart.render("chartdiv"); </script> And it is used whenever I want an angular gauge.
  3. It is the same because I use only one file to view information. This the Codeigniter way; CVM - Controll View Model.
  4. In Internet Explore it doesn't work. In Firefox there is no problem. But most people use IE...
  5. The prefix for values in the chart doesn't work well in my language swedish. For money we write Kr or SEK after the value. Is it possible to do this i FushionChart? How to use % as prefix?
  6. I need numberPostfix instead of numberPrefix

    Thanks, it worked fine.
  7. Link from column to next page

    I want to link a column i one chart to a page with a new chart. The first chart have columns with months, I want to click on a column and come to a new page with a chart showing the days o that month. How do I make the link?