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About maine_stevie69

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Gantt chart not displaying correctly (white space at end)

    Actually I think i understand now. Do you mean do not add column text? Steve
  2. Gantt chart not displaying correctly (white space at end)

    Pallav, Im not entirely sure what you mean by adding an empty label for them. Would Jul and Aug columns still be visible? Could you give me an example? Thanks Steve
  3. I have created a very simple gantt chart that shows the months Feb, March, April, May, June, and Sep ( i do not want to display July and Aug). In order to keep it more simple i havnt added any tasks so it should simply display the column heading accross the top. Due to the months July and Aug being missing, i am getting white space at the end of the colums which messes up the graph. Is there anything i can do to resolve this (other than adding the months July and Aug which i cannot do, or at least i cannot display these months) The gantt chart is below The code is below <graph dateFormat='dd/mm/yyyy' showTaskNames='1' ganttWidthPercent='100' forceGanttWidthPercent='0' canvasBorderColor='c4c5bd'<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> canvasBorderThickness='0' showBorder='0' hoverCapBgColor='ffffff' hoverCapBorderColor='c4c5bd' extendcategoryBg='0' ganttLineColor='c4c5bd' baseFontColor='4b4b4b' gridBorderColor='c4c5bd' showFullDataTable='1' chartBottomMargin='1' isBold='0' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='10'> <categories bgColor='d1e5f8' fontColor='4b4b4b' fontSize='11' isBold='0' gridBorderColor='c4c5bd' verticalPadding='5'> <category start='01/02/2007' end='28/02/2007' name='Feb' /> <category start='01/03/2007' end='31/03/2007' name='Mar' /> <category start='01/04/2007' end='30/04/2007' name='Apr' /> <category start='01/05/2007' end='31/05/2007' name='May' /> <category start='01/06/2007' end='30/06/2007' name='Jun' /> <category start='01/09/2007' end='30/09/2007' name='Sep' /> </categories> <processes positionInGrid='left' align='left' headerText='Initiatives' fontColor='4b4b4b' fontSize='11' isBold='0' isAnimated='1' bgColor='e9eef8' headerbgColor='d1e5f8' headerFontColor='4b4b4b' headerFontSize='11' headerIsBold='0' headerAlign='left'></processes> <tasks fontsize='11' color='f3c73f,f6bd0f' borderColor='f68c0f'></tasks> </graph> Thanks Steve
  4. Gantt chart not displaying whole chart

    I have created a gantt chart that displays a whole years worth of data including the same month the following year eg Jan 06 - Jan 07 including Jan 07. When the gantt chart is rendered the last month in this case Jan 07 is cut off. This is only an issue for 13 months, any other number of months displays perfectly. If anyone knows a solution to this, please post as I sure i cannot be the only one to have come across this problem. Thanks in advance, Steve