I have created a very simple gantt chart that shows the months Feb, March, April, May, June, and Sep ( i do not want to display July and Aug). In order to keep it more simple i havnt added any tasks so it should simply display the column heading accross the top.
Due to the months July and Aug being missing, i am getting white space at the end of the colums which messes up the graph.
Is there anything i can do to resolve this (other than adding the months July and Aug which i cannot do, or at least i cannot display these months)
The gantt chart is below
The code is below
<graph dateFormat='dd/mm/yyyy' showTaskNames='1' ganttWidthPercent='100' forceGanttWidthPercent='0' canvasBorderColor='c4c5bd'<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
canvasBorderThickness='0' showBorder='0' hoverCapBgColor='ffffff' hoverCapBorderColor='c4c5bd'
extendcategoryBg='0' ganttLineColor='c4c5bd' baseFontColor='4b4b4b' gridBorderColor='c4c5bd' showFullDataTable='1'
chartBottomMargin='1' isBold='0' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='10'>
<categories bgColor='d1e5f8' fontColor='4b4b4b' fontSize='11' isBold='0' gridBorderColor='c4c5bd' verticalPadding='5'>
<category start='01/02/2007' end='28/02/2007' name='Feb' />
<category start='01/03/2007' end='31/03/2007' name='Mar' />
<category start='01/04/2007' end='30/04/2007' name='Apr' />
<category start='01/05/2007' end='31/05/2007' name='May' />
<category start='01/06/2007' end='30/06/2007' name='Jun' />
<category start='01/09/2007' end='30/09/2007' name='Sep' />
<processes positionInGrid='left' align='left' headerText='Initiatives' fontColor='4b4b4b'
fontSize='11' isBold='0' isAnimated='1' bgColor='e9eef8' headerbgColor='d1e5f8' headerFontColor='4b4b4b'
headerFontSize='11' headerIsBold='0' headerAlign='left'></processes>
<tasks fontsize='11' color='f3c73f,f6bd0f' borderColor='f68c0f'></tasks>