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About obata

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  • Birthday 08/23/1996

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  1. hi thanks answer please teach XML type? I do not know that how to write XML
  2. hi x--axis ,y-axis like this picture.(yen,day) thanks obata
  3. atteribute xaxisname,yaxisname how to chenge position? I would like to add a unit at the end of the x axis of the graph Finally, I am sorry that the words are bad
  4. ★Wanting to be able to do it  chart: 2D Pie Charts data label no move when has chart property "placeValuesInside" and chert part click { < chart showBorder = '0' showPlotBorder = '0' borderThickness = '0' plotGradientColor = '' caption = 'cross' bgColor = 'ffffff' startingAngle = '90' use3DLighting = '0' showShadow = '0' enableSmartLabels = '0' labelDisplay = 'stagger' placevaluesinside = '1' labelDistance = '' showPercentInTooltip = '0' animation = '1' theme = 'fint' showValues = '1' formatNumber = '1' formatNumberScale = '0' exportEnabled = '1' ExportShowMenuItem = '0' ExportHandler = '/common/remote/GetFusionChartImage.aspx' chartTopMargin = '10' chartRightMargin = '50' showLegend = '1' legendPosition = 'RIGHT' >