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Everything posted by qwerty999

  1. I need a developer to implement FusionCharts Combining FusionCharts, ASP & JavaScript (dataURL) method in my website. First job very simple, quick and easy for profficient developer. I have tried implementation of blueprint applications into my website myself, but keep getting javascript errors. Quote needed for successful implementation. Fee paid on successful implementation.
  2. I am using files supplied with FusionCharts 'Combining FusionCharts, ASP & JavaScript (dataXML) method' package The initial Pie Chart on Default.asp displays correctly but on clicking the Pie Chart segments the following error messages are seen: Firefox error: chartObj.setDataXML is not a function Internet Explorer error: Object doesn't support this property or method As I am basically using all files as supplied by FusionCharts I am hoping there is a software bug that can easily be corrected. Can anyone let me know a possible soultion to the above problem?
  3. I have used the code supplied by FusionCharts in the FusionCharts_Evaluation package. I have created a database with same data as the database supplied in the evaluation package. Pie chart in Default.asp displays correctly but when pie segments are clicked the following error message is seen and detail chart does not appear: Firefox error: chartObj.setDataURL is not a function Internet Explorer error: Object doesn't support this property or method The error is not the result of database query, as when I substitute my own values in code for database values the error message is the same. FusionCharts.asp, FusionCharts.js have been copied into the appropriate folder. Can anyone explain why this error may be occurring. I have spent four days trying to resolve the problem to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. I have just found the problem. Others will probably experience the same problem so here is solution: Change Call renderChart("Column2D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Please select a factory from pie chart above to view detailed data.", "", "<chart></chart>", "FactoryDetailed", 600, 250, false, false) to Call renderChart("Column2D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Please select a factory from pie chart above to view detailed data.", "", "<chart></chart>", "FactoryDetailed", 600, 250, false, true)