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Everything posted by LivingLegend

  1. I have mentioned that I want horizontal tool bar not vertical and for (COLUMN_3D) chart not 2D
  2. Hi, I am facing one problem while using setDataXML function to set xml in chart run time. On FireFox: Error is: chartObj.setDataXML is not a function On IE: Error is: Object doesn't support this property or method When chart load first time I am setting blank data "<chart></chart>" in chart and after that I am setting my original xml data by using setDataXML function and got above mentioned error. I have also tried the samples provided by you but getting same error. I have checked following file provided by you in package. Path: CodeJavaScriptBasicsChangeDataXML.html I have checked all other examples in Basics directory but no one is working. That means any xml related function like getXML, setDataXML is not working. It seems that it is a bug in FusionCharts. Please provide me solution ASAP or any workaroung. Thanks LivingLegends
  3. How to Export chart in PDF

    Hi, But I want to achieve this with one interaction. When I click on export button on site, it should automatically generate one image of all charts and embed it in pdf with my data. How to achieve this?
  4. How to Export chart in PDF

    Hi, Thanks a ton for reply. These links are very useful for me but I have some more requirements. Actually, I have some other data which I have to include in pdf file. My report will contain some data from database and fusion charts both. So, when I click on export button, request will be sent to server side, where it will retrieve some data from database, then it should include those data and charts in pdf file, which server send to client (by setting appropriate MIME type in response). Client should get download popup to download pdf files with above data. Hope, you clear with my requirements. Thanks LivingLegends
  5. How to Export chart in PDF

    Hi, I want to export it at client side. When user click on Export button, it should ask to download pdf file and that PDF file should contains charts in it. Means I want to embed charts in PDF files..
  6. Hi, I want to know whether FustionChart provides any facility to maintain status of chart? For Example: I am using Bar chart which displays data of year. When I click on any year(column), it will reload same chart with value of months of selected year. If I want to see month details of other year, I have to reload chart again. Is there any facility to go back to previous load chart? Hope my question is clear. Thanks LivingLegends
  7. Getting error while using setDataXML function

    Hi, I have already mentioned that I am loading chart with blank data first and then setting original data. Chart is already rendered. After that I am setting different xml data using setDataXML method and getting this error. I have also mentioned that your given examples are also not working. If problem is at our side that at least, examples should work. Kindly update on this. Thanks LivingLegends
  8. Charts reload repeatedly

    Hi, I have one problem. I have two tab panels in My application. In one panel, I have Grid and in second panel I have some Fusion Charts. When I move to panel having Grid and again come back to panel having charts, All the charts are reloaded. This happens all the time I follow above step. That means, when I move to Grid panel, charts are destroyed(may be) and when again come back in chart panel, all the flash are reloaded. Is there any solution for it? What can I do to handle this situation? Waiting for your reply. Thanks LivingLegends
  9. TimeLine Chart

    Hi Madhumita, Is there any planning to release TimeLine chart in near future? We are about purchase Fusion Chart V3 but we have requirement of TimeLine chart. Please reply me ASAP. Thanks LivingLegend
  10. Charts reload repeatedly

    Hi, I couldn't send as my application is very complex and code to load charts are scattered in multiple js files. So, it is very difficult to send me but I can give you details which you want. Thanks LivingLegends
  11. Create a Timeline Chart

    Hi Madhumita, Is there any planning to release TimeLine chart in near future? We are about purchase Fusion Chart V3 but we have requirement of TimeLine chart. Please reply me ASAP. Thanks LivingLegend