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Everything posted by moisesrc

  1. Legend Colors Incorrect

    Hi Sanjukta, Thank you for your response. Currently, I am using PHP to generate the chart, by default I include the PHP file FusionCharts.php and the JavaScript file FusionCharts.js (attached in this post). I wonder if I need to update the flash object version in FusionCharts.php, the specified version is 8,0,0,0. I hope you could reproduce the error using this files. Is there any chance of some of my Stylesheet files (.css) are causing the issue?, because I have many .css files including some being used by the JQuery library. Thank you.
  2. Legend Colors Incorrect

    Hi, I have the same problem depicted here, I set the color in the dataset element, but when the chart is displayed, the legend colors do not match the bar colors. I only have this bug in FF v 3.6.13, however it is working fine in IE 6.0.2900. I am using the free version of FusionCharts. You will find the XML file and the chart image in the attachments. Thank you in advance