Hi -
I have the following observations when using labels for nodes in a drag node chart ... can someone please comment on if this is working behavior - or a bug? or if there are suggested workarounds?
1)When using an image for the node, it appears as though the area dedicated to the label is constrained by the image height & width (imageWidth, imageHeight) rather than the node height/width (width, height). The problem I have observed with this is that if you are using static images ... to represent some common item - such as a server, but there are varying names for each server, the names will not render appropriately unless the size of the image is somehow adjusted (which does not look visually appealing) - or a very tiny font is used (which is unreadable on the glass). I understand that the name/label can be obtained by hovering over the node (or one can adjust font size) ... but this certainly decreases the value of printing out something like a network topology...
2) when using a node without an image specified ... the labelAlign property appears to have no affect ... the label is always placed vertically in the middle
3) The documentation refers to a "label" property on the "set" element ... but this appears to be ignored and rather "name" property is used...