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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. Batch Export for Server Side

    Hi How about this? <script type="text/javascript"> var chartIds = new Array("<%=rwId1%>","<%=rwId2%>","<%=rwId3%>"); // or you can create the array dynamically, if required. function ExportMyCharts() { var i=0; for(i=0; i<chartIds.length; i++) { chartObject = getChartFromId(chartIds[i]<%=rwId%>); if( chartObject.hasRendered() ) {chartObject.exportChart({exportFormat:'PNG'});} } } </script > In the above code, I just stored the chartIds in an array. Srividya
  2. Hi Venkat, Glad that it worked out for you. Thanks for taking the time to post back the exact attributes that helped you. I am sure it will help other users. Srividya
  3. Hi Ganesh, I just thought of a work around... You could add empty dataset between datasets like this: <dataset> </dataset> This will give some space between two columns. Hope this helps. Srividya
  4. exporting chart and data table to pdf

    Can you please replace the % character in the xml with its encoded form %25 and try once? Thanks Srividya
  5. This feature of showing text for each data item instead of numerical value was added in v3.1. Please see: Hope this helps. Srividya
  6. Problem adding displayValue attribute to

    Could you please try to upgrade to latest version and try once? This feature of showing text for each data item instead of numerical value was added in v3.1. Please see: Hope this helps. Srividya
  7. Can you please check the version of FusionCharts you are using. You can view the version by turning on the debugMode. Thanks.
  8. Hi When you turn on the debugMode, you can view the version of swf file you are using. Hope this helps. Srividya
  9. Hi Sandeep, Just noticed, can you please use the encoded form of % as %25 in your xml and try once. Might help. Srividya
  10. Batch Export for Server Side

    Hi You could store the chartIds in a javascript array and then go through each array element, get the chartObject corresponding to it and export that chart. Hope this helps. Srividya
  11. Schema (XSD) files for the charts?

    Hi Dhiraj Can you specify when you are getting the error? What is the exact error you are getting? Thanks Srividya
  12. Batch Export for Server Side

    Hi Please notice that I have changed the function to use the dynamic id: <%=rwId%> Please do similarly. Hope this helps. Srividya
  13. How to: Dynamically adjust how large data to show on scroll chart

    Hi We are really happy to know that you fixed the problem. Can you please share with us what the problem with the xml was and how you fixed it? Thanks Srividya
  14. exporting chart and data table to pdf

    Hi Dave, Can you share the xml with us? Thanks Srividya
  15. Batch Export for Server Side

    Hi Just after embedding all the charts as you showed in the your previous post, you can put the javascript code <script type="text/javascript"> function ExportMyCharts() { var chartObject1 = getChartFromId('<%=rwId%>'); if( chartObject1.hasRendered() ) chartObject1.exportChart(); // export another chart var chartObject2 = getChartFromId('<%=rwId2%>'); if( chartObject2.hasRendered() ) chartObject2.exportChart(); } </script> I hope the number of charts being shown is static. Hope this helps. Srividya
  16. Batch Export for Server Side

    Can you show me the piece of code where they are dynamically generated? Waiting for you reply.
  17. Hi Kiran I can't think of a way to show it as a balloon instead of tooltip. Work arounds... anybody? Srividya
  18. chart.hasRendered is not a function

    Hi Can you post the javascript code where you are encountering this problem? Thanks Srividya
  19. Batch Export for Server Side

    Yes that is possible. You can export multiple charts to their individual image files with one button click. Call a javascript function on the click of the button, which would initiate export of multiple charts. <script type="text/javascript"> function ExportMyCharts() { var chartObject1 = getChartFromId('myChart1'); if( chartObject1.hasRendered() ) chartObject1.exportChart(); // export another chart var chartObject2 = getChartFromId('myChart2'); if( chartObject2.hasRendered() ) chartObject2.exportChart(); } </script> Hope this helps. Srividya
  20. Hi In your jsp, where you are constructing the xml, please check if the point is outside the limits, if it is outside the limits, then add the link attribute to that point. (set) In the link attribute call the javascript function which handles the notes/remarks. Hope this is what you wanted to know. Srividya
  21. what I have to set as exportHandler?

    Hi :exportHandler => '/Fusioncharts/fc_exporter/index' is correct as long as you have fc_exporter_controller.rb with action named index in app/controllers/fusioncharts folder. Please modify the following property: @@SAVEPATH = "./public/charts" Hope this works. Srividya
  22. How about using :except and specify the particular action which handles export?
  23. Hi This has something to do with protect_from_forgery token in the Controller. Please see if you need it. If you don't need it, then remove it. hope this helps Srividya
  24. FusionCode for country "Scotland".

    Hi Vijaya, Please see Scotland internal id is 047 Hope this is what you wanted. Srividya
  25. FusionCharts behaviour in IE

    Hi Mona, I am unable to pin-point the cause of problem, because the page involves several things. We might have to create a simpler example involving only the links and the charts and try it out. Would you be able to do that? ( say, create 2 jsps - one with the charts, the other, providing some info) Thanks Srividya