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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. FusionChart not Display Arabic

    Hi The xmlChart string should be UTF-8 encoded. Are you getting the data from database or is the data static or is the xml coming from a file? If the data is coming from database, please ensure that the table is UTF-8. Use getBytes to get the string from db. If you are using data from xml file, please save the file with BOM using notepad or other such editor. Please use dataURL method. Srividya
  2. save as PDF and image on jsp

    Hi Can you tell me the path you are specifying ? Also, tell me the directory structure in which the files are present. Thanks
  3. Need Help in displaying Arabic labels as slantLabels

    Hi Can you please modify your code to add the following line: ServletOutputStream out= response.getOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter streamWriter= new OutputStreamWriter(out,"UTF-8"); . . . Hope this helps. Srividya
  4. FusionChart not Display Arabic

    Hi Can you please modify your code to add the following line: ServletOutputStream out= res.getOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter streamWriter= new OutputStreamWriter(out,"UTF-8"); . . . Hope this helps. Srividya
  5. Notes at the bottom of fusion chart

    Hi Work around... outside of FusionCharts... Since you are using html, you could add <p> tag containing the notes, below the chart. Srividya
  6. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Hi Devika, Please try to use fc:render in place of fc:renderHTML. Srividya
  7. Limit Data Shown

    Hi Shawn, Since you are getting the data dynamically from the database, you would need to parse the result set and add the categories and sets dynamically. I have modified your code, please try it out. $FC = new FusionCharts("ScrollColumn2D","1100","450", "0", "0"); # Set Relative Path of swf file. $FC->setSWFPath(""); # Define chart attributes $strParam="caption=Customer Pay Hours Per Ro" . $WeeklyData . " Output;subcaption=HRs Per RO;xAxisName=Week End Date;showValues=0"; # Set chart attributes $FC->setChartParams($strParam); # Create a new dataset //$FC->addDataset("This Month"); // this is not required. // Fetch all factory records usins SQL Query //Store chart data values in 'total' column/field and category names in 'FactoryName' $strQuery = "select CP_HRs,WeekEndDate from " .$x->QueryFrom . ' ' . $x->QueryWhere . ' ' . " order by WeekEndDate DESC "; $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); //Iterate through each row if ($result) { while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { # Add category names $FC->addCategory($ors['CP_HRs']); //Here, you can convert date into a more readable form. # Add chart data $FC->addChartData($ors['WeekEndDate']); } } mysql_close($link); # Render the chart $FC->renderChart(); Please try it out. Thanks. Srividya
  8. Limit Data Shown

    Hi Shawn, All the charts use xml file for rendering the data. Using php API , the generation of xml is done behind the scenes. ScrollColumn2D is considered to be multi-series. So you would need to provide dataset and categories. You would need to tweak the code slightly. Just as Rajroop said, you would need to add category and dataset just before adding chart data from database. Something of this sort: # Add category names $FC->addCategory("Week 1"); # Create a new dataset $FC->addDataset("This Month"); Please refer to the following page for more details on this: Srividya
  9. Limit Data Shown

    Also, please verify that you have the swf file ScrollColumn2D.swf in the path.
  10. Limit Data Shown

    Hi Shawn, Can you share the generated xml with us? You can get the xml from debugMode or using println. Srividya
  11. Limit Data Shown

    Or, you could probably use a scroll chart Or, use Limit in your sql query. Srividya
  12. Hello Michael, Yes, you can use server-side export and create custom pdf. Some of the users have done this successfully. Srividya
  13. Short Tutorial on FC JSF Tag Library with Facelets and XHTML

    Good that you got that resolved! Srividya Happy FusionCharting
  14. Short Tutorial on FC JSF Tag Library with Facelets and XHTML

    Here are my first comments: 1. only one of the attributes xml or url should be non-empty.
  15. Short Tutorial on FC JSF Tag Library with Facelets and XHTML

    Hi Can you please give us the backing bean with the xml and the xhtml code, so that I can directly test it out here? Thanks Srividya
  16. FusionChart V3 not working with trinidad 1.2

    Hi Binay, Nice to see you here again. I think it has something to do with the configuration and nothing to do with the Tag library itself. More precisely, it could be the definition of the view handler for Facelets. Try placing it as a ALTERNATE_HANDLER context param in web.xml. Please see[email protected]/msg54046.html for more info. Srividya
  17. Image ToolTip

    Hi Bobby, Please see for multi line tooltips and also setting isHTML='1' and using bold tag. Srividya
  18. FusionMaps Drill down Demo

    Please login to the forum to view attachments.
  19. useRoundEdges breaks Save as Image

    Thanks for the info. I will take a look at it.
  20. FusionCharts JSF-All Tag Libraries & Samples

    Hi Did you try the sample application posted here: It has example using EL - Backing Bean Example. Please try it out. Srividya
  21. FusionCharts JSF-All Tag Libraries & Samples

    Hello Liyaqat, Thanks for trying out this tag library. I hope you like it. filename attribute is for specifying the name and path of the .swf file. Here are some sample usages: Using dataURL method: <fc:renderHTML chartId="BasicChart" filename="FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" width="700" height="300" url="Data/Data.xml" debugMode="false"/> Using inline xml or dataXML method: <fc:renderHTML chartId="BasicChart" filename="FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" width="700" height="300"> <chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0'> <set label='Jan' value='462' color='AFD8F8' /> <set label='Feb' value='857' color='F6BD0F' /> <set label='Mar' value='671' color='8BBA00' /> </chart> </fc:renderHTML> With Backing Bean: <fc:render chartId="#{exampleChartData.chartId}" filename="#{exampleChartData.filename}" width="#{exampleChartData.width}" height="#{exampleChartData.height}" xml="#{exampleChartData.xml}"></fc:render> sample values in the backing bean: String xml="<chart></chart>"; // will have the chart specifi xml String chartId="Chart1"; String url="Data/Data.xml"; String width="700"; String height="300"; String filename = "../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf"; You can use fc:render or fc:renderHTML. fc:render requires that you import the FusionCharts.js in your page ( <javascript src=... > ) whereas fc:renderHTML uses the object embed tag. Hope this clarifies your question. Srividya
  22. Export charts to image/PDF

    Hi Could you try setting registerWithJS to true? Srividya
  23. Drop Down menu transparency

    Hi Deepak, I received your email - but the information is not sufficient. Can you send me the jsp where you are trying to see the chart and drop-down. So that I can try it out here. Srividya
  24. Is it possible to hide a chart if there is no data?

    Just a suggestion, could you probably use javascript to obtain the xml from the rendered chart and see if it is empty and then hide the div containing the chart?
  25. Is it possible to hide a chart if there is no data?

    Work around ... Change the default "No data to display" message to blank string using ?ChartNoDataText= See: Check if that works!