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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. Generating images on a scheduled mode

    Hi Saving the chart as an image on the Server-side is possible with the latest version of FusionCharts. Currently, each chart can be saved as a separate image on the server. If you want to save multiple charts into a single file, you would need to do some coding - currently we do not have available code in JSP for this. On another note, you could load the charts in all the tabs when the page loads, in which case, the chart would exist, even though not visible. You could automate the export of the chart using javascript. Hope this answers all your questions. Srividya
  2. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, Please attach the code. Thanks Srividya
  3. XML Framing For Uncontinuous data in java!

    Hi Anila, please use <set value='' /> for empty datasets.
  4. Hi Anila, The root element has to be <chart>. Srividya
  5. XMl Data

    Hi Anila, You have used double quotes for attribute values- within a string, this will cause error. Please use single quotes. Srividya
  6. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, String strURL = FusionChartsHelper.encodeDataURL(""+feed+"&cn="+ctl,"false",response); String chartXML1 = "<chart clickURL='"+strURL+"' ...>" Please try something like this. Srividya
  7. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, If you need to call the servlet, then , you can get rid of the javasript function and do something like this: // Encoding the URL since it has a parameter strDataURL = FusionChartsHelper.encodeDataURL(""+factoryId,"false",response); then use this strDataURL in clickURL directly. Srividya
  8. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, Good that it is working. Please send me the screen-shot showing what is happening the second time you click. Thanks Srividya
  9. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, Here is the code. Please modify the path to js, FusionChartsRenderer.jsp and swf file before trying. Hope this really helps.
  10. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    I think there was a mistake, please prepend to the function call Java script: . without the space. It worked for me with that.
  11. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, Please change that statement with: String chartXML1 = "<chart connectNullData='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' baseFont='Ge Inspira' useRoundEdges='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' yAxisName='NPS' legendBorderAlpha='0' shownames='1' showvalues='0' clickURL='download(%26apos;DwnNPS%26apos;,4);'>"; Hope this works!
  12. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Anila, Can you please provide the piece of code where you are constructing the xml. Say, String chartXML="<chart>..." I will try to modify it and send.
  13. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi Mona, Can you please post the html from view source as an attachment? Also, Please give us a screenshot of your directory structure. Srividya
  14. <Chart bgColor="AEC0CA,FFFFFF" fillAngle="45" upperLimit="3263563533444444" lowerLimit="236356353344444" majorTMNumber="4" majorTMHeight="8" showGaugeBorder="0" gaugeOuterRadius="140" gaugeOriginX="205" gaugeOriginY="206" gaugeInnerRadius="2" formatNumberScale="1" numberPrefix="Rs" displayValueDistance="45" decimalPrecision="0" tickMarkDecimalPrecision="0" pivotRadius="17" showPivotBorder="1" pivotBorderColor="000000" pivotBorderThickness="5" pivotFillMix="FFFFFF,000000"> <colorRange> <color minValue="160000000000" maxValue="193000000000" code="399E38"/> <color minValue="19300000000" maxValue="217000000000" code="E48739"/> <color minValue="21700000000" maxValue="25000000000" code="B41527"/> </colorRange> <dials> <dial value="2100000" borderAlpha="0" bgColor="000000" baseWidth="28" topWidth="1" radius="130"/> </dials> <annotations> <!-- Draw the background arcs --> <annotationGroup xPos="205" yPos="207.5"> <annotation type="circle" xPos="0" yPos="2.5" radius="150" startAngle="0" endAngle="180" fillPattern="linear" fillAsGradient="1" fillColor="dddddd,666666" fillAlpha="100,100" fillRatio="50,50" fillDegree="0" showBorder="1" borderColor="444444" borderThickness="20"/> <annotation type="circle" xPos="0" yPos="0" radius="145" startAngle="0" endAngle="180" fillPattern="linear" fillAsGradient="1" fillColor="666666,ffffff" fillAlpha="100,100" fillRatio="50,50" fillDegree="0"/> </annotationGroup> </annotations> </Chart> Here is the xml. Please see.
  15. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi Mona, Please try changing <jsp:param name="registerWithJS" value="false" /> to <jsp:param name="registerWithJS" value="true" /> Srividya
  16. FusionCharts Server-side Export Handler

    Hi Andreas, I have put these headers in relevant places in the Resource jsps. Please see the attached files, replace these jsps in your Resources folder, and try. Hope this works! Srividya
  17. FusionCharts Server-side Export Handler

    Hi Andreas, I think it is a problem with headers. Can you please try this in your jsp: response.setHeader("Pragma", "private"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private, must-revalidate"); If it doesn't work there, I will try putting the same in FCExporter_PDF and give you the files. Please try this out first. Srividya
  18. FusionCharts Server-side Export Handler

    hi Did you find a solution to the problem?
  19. Unable to View Charts from Client Side

    Hi Please put the same server path http://serverip/fc/charts in $$CurrentDir also. Srividya
  20. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi Please try with a simple alert statement in the javascript download function. alert('Feed='+feed); Let us see if that works. Srividya
  21. about FCExporter.jsp

    Hi That file is not being used anywhere. It is not required. Srividya
  22. Drill Down Pop Up - link not working.

    Please check if you are using the latest version of FusionCharts. Srividya
  23. Exporting images server side

    Hi Can you please post the xml that you are using? Which server are you using? Srividya
  24. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Hi Phantom, The jar should work for java6. Please verify that you do not have any older class files or jars in your classpath ( WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib ). Srividya
  25. Fusion charts integration with RichFaces

    Hi Derek, Good to know that it worked out well for you. Srividya Ask, and get more out of FusionCharts Everyday!