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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. server-side image exporting proplem

    I had similar problem, please use the following exporter jar for jdk 5 in place of the existing jar. This will solve the problem. Hope this helps.
  2. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Thank Heavens! Got me nervous for a minute.
  3. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    I will try to test it with PowerCharts here. Can you turn the debugMode "on" and tell us what it shows?
  4. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Can you provide the code snippet of how you are using the tag?
  5. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Here is the source. Enjoy!
  6. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Here is the FusionCharts tag library jar for JSF 1.2, for the benefit of all. You can provide the xml as attribute if you want to give a binding value from bean, you could also provide xml as the body content, if you want to type it inline. Rest of the usage remains same. I hope this helps all.
  7. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    I have been debating over this for a while. Which is more convenient -Providing the xml as an attribute or as body content If you can give me pros/cons of both, it would be great. Why did you opt for xml as attribute in the tag? Thanks.
  8. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Ok, JSF 1.2 jar is what is required. I will try to get it done. (Subscribe to this topic, and you will be informed via mail, as soon as a post is made)
  9. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Can you pin-point the exact problem? Maybe some screen-shots / code will help. I can then look into it. Or all you want is JSF 1.2 jar?
  10. FusionCharts Server-side Export Handler

    It has been tested with jdk6. It might work with jdk5 too. Please try with jdk5. Hopefully you will not run into any problems.
  11. round column?

    In column2D chart, use attribute useRoundEdges='1' If you wish to plot columns with round edges and fill them with a glass effect
  12. The file names and paths might be causing the problem. This error will occur only if the variable is not being passed via locals hash. But here are a few things to check: 1. Please ensure that the view .html.erb file has same name as controller action name. In this case "project". Only then @arr_data is visible to it. The name of the view should be project.html.erb in your case 2. Now, in the view, the builder is rendered using render :file=>'dashboard/project' this means that the project.builder file should be in the dashboard folder inside app/views. 3. Next, you cannot have project.html.erb and project.builder in the same folder because you are referencing one from the other (as seen in #2) Hope this helps.
  13. xml builder and Styles

    Hi Michael 1. There is a typo in <definition>, xml.defintion() should be xml.definition() 2. You have not applied the Font to the right object. Please see, scroll down and see a table for each Object what are the Features Supported. The Canvas object does not support the Font style. What is it that you want to achieve? If you want to set the Font color for all text in the canvas, you can use the chart attribute baseFontColor. This attribute sets the base font color of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using this font color. If you want to try styles, then apply this style to Caption and see. Hope this helps. Srividya
  14. UTF8 characters not working?

    While using FusionCharts (version 3.0) with UTF-8 characters, please remember the following: BOM has to present in the xml given as input to the chart using dataURL method dataXML method can also be used The XML document should begin with an XML declaration which specifies the version of XML being used and the encoding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> The XML file should be saved with UTF-8 encoding (UTF-8 BOM). I have attached a sample xml. Please try with this xml. BTW, looks like, in the version 3.1 of FusionCharts, displaying UTF-8 characters has been further simplified. JapaneseData.xml
  15. Can you show us the code where you are doing this?
  16. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    That would be great. Let's hope for the best.
  17. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent should be available in jsp-api.jar. Usually present in the webserver. Please include it for compilation in Netbeans. Yes, the tag lib (1.0) uses those two deprecated classes. I can try to come up with a 1.2 version of the taglib, if required.
  18. Ruby Script for Image Saving

    Got RMagick working! 1. The delegates for ImageMaigck had to be installed. 2. Visual C++ 2008 had to be installed. In Windows XP SP2, I had VC++ 2005 only. Thanks for the help.
  19. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Here is the source code of the tag library. It might have some more modifications to it, since the jar that you had downloaded. So, if you are using the source, please create the corresponding jar.
  20. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Please verify that you are using the tag library from this post:
  21. Styles not working for subCaption

    Just confirming: are you using FusionCharts v3 or FusionCharts Free?
  22. Styles not working for subCaption

    I have attached two xml files. I have used the same styles tag that you had used in the code. These styles work for me. Please try the attached xmls with your JSP. SSData.xml MSData.xml
  23. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    For a solid background color with no gradient, use bgColor attribute in chart element. That should help in achieving your requirement.
  24. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    In order to remove the background of the canvas and retain the chart background, please add showCanvasBg='0' to the chart tag.
  25. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    I have gone through the attached code. The javascript part seems to be ok. I assume that you have given the imageSave and imageSaveURL attributes in the xml. The last few lines of FusionChartsSave.jsp contains the following code to stream the image output: OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(chart, "jpeg", os); os.close(); Please change these lines to save the image on the server. Use FileOutputStream to write to the file. I expect that this will do the job!