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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. Styles not working for subCaption

    The wrong attribute in the xml is: color='#FF0000' Color attributes in FusionCharts are always hex code without the #. Please try with color='FF0000' attribute in the trendlines section. Hope this works out for you.
  2. Saving chart as an Image not working

    Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable. For servers without a graphical interface, the above error will be thrown. The solution to your problem is to set java.awt.headless to true (requires jdk1.4 or above). This is explained here: Hope this helps.
  3. Ruby Script for Image Saving

    Can you tell me the O/S in which you have RMagick installed? I found it difficult to install on Windows. If possible, please give me guidelines on how to install RMagick on Windows.
  4. Weird issue rendering multiple charts

    Can you send me the code? Also, tell me which browser and which version you are using. I will try it here.
  5. Weird issue rendering multiple charts

    Chart id has to be different for displaying multiple charts on a page. Please ensure that the Chart id for each chart is unique.
  6. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    The usage of this taglib in Seam application would be similar. Use the same tags in your jsp where you want the chart to be rendered. The actual xml content can be obtained from an action and stored in a bean. Supply the xml from the bean to the fc:render or fc:renderHTML tag. I haven't tried it in Seam, just trying to provide guidelines to you.
  7. Anchor in ASP

    anchorSides is an attribute that can be used to set the number of sides the anchor will have. For example, an anchor with 3 sides would represent a triangle, with 4 it would be a square and so on. It can take value from 3 to 20. Please refer to this page in the documentation: Any other custom shape... may not be possible.
  8. Calling Image saving Mechanism on button click

    Please download the zip file for jdk 1.4 from this topic : Post #11101
  9. save image in fusion charts

    Please download the zip file for jdk 1.4 from this topic : Post #11101
  10. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    Here is the updated application which works for jdk 1.4 and above. Please place FusionCharts folder ( with js, swf files in it ) and deploy it.
  11. Ruby Script for Image Saving

    The upcoming release of FusionCharts may have a RoR script for generating image, using MiniMagick and ImageMagick. Do you think MiniMagick is easier to install/use than RMagick?
  12. save image in fusion charts

    Your problem seems to be similar to this post: I have tried with j2sdk1.4.2_02 and tomcat 4.0.5 on Windows. It works fine. I would suggest that you upgrade your jdk to at least j2sdk1.4.2_02.
  13. save image in fusion charts

    Let me try to replicate your problem here with tomcat 4.x and jdk 1.4.2. I will get back to you soon.
  14. encoding problem

    Please use UTF-8 and try the jsp UTF-8 examples provided in the latest FusionCharts Free package.
  15. I was not able to view your code, but here are a few guidelines. Please output the UTF-8 BOM before outputting the xml as shown: <% utf8_arr=[0xEF,0xBB,0xBF] utf8_str = utf8_arr.pack("c3") str_xml = utf8_str str_xml +="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" str_xml +="<chart...>" str_xml += "<set .../>" str_xml+="</chart>" #Output the xml %><%=str_xml%> Also, please do not use the builder to build the xml. Hope this works for you. Srividya
  16. I have not been able to see your code. Here are some guidelines. Please output the UTF-8 BOM before writing the xml like this: <% utf8_arr=[0xEF,0xBB,0xBF] utf8_str = utf8_arr.pack("c3") str_xml = utf8_str str_xml +="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" str_xml +="<chart ...>" str_xml += "<set ...>" str_xml+="</chart>" #Output the xml %><%=str_xml%> Also, it is better not to use the Builder for generating the xml. Hope this helps. Srividya
  17. Migrating FusionCharts-based Dashboard to a New PC

    This question has been answered in this forum
  18. Multiple datasets not getting displayed

    Please see the attached code_modified.txt. I have modified only one statement. Replaced, rs3=st1.executeQuery(strQuery2); with, rs3=st3.executeQuery(strQuery2); It must have been throwing some exception which is caught in the catch clause. Hope this helps. code_modified.txt
  19. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    I think it should work fine with facelets though I have not tested this. Please try it out.
  20. Hi Kalyan, I can try to replicate the problem here, if you can give me some more information. What is the flow from the jsp? Sample jsp containing chart etc would be useful. Srividya
  21. It could be a cache problem. Try putting the following headers in your jsp page: <% // These headers are required to prevent caching in IE response.setHeader("Expires", "Sat, 6 May 1995 12:00:00 GMT"); // set standard HTTP/1.1 no-cache headers response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // set IE extended HTTP/1.1 no-cache headers response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // set standard HTTP/1.0 no-cache header response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); %> Also, can you tell me how you are accessing the chart the second time? Srividya
  22. save image in fusion charts

    parseBoolean method is present only from jdk 1. 5. You seem to be using jdk version < 1.5. I am attaching FusionChartsRenderer.jsp and FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp compatible for versions < 1.5 . Please replace these two files in Includes folder.
  23. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    I have created a sample JSP application to save the chart as image. Please place the FusionCharts folder containing all the swf files and js files inside the web application before deploying. Hope this helps everybody. Srividya
  24. Invalid XML Data

    The statement in the builder: for item in factory_data implies that the factory_data has to be sent as parameter to the builder. I hope that you are passing this value from basic_dbexample.html.erb
  25. undefined method `renderChart'

    renderChart will usually be used from the view. Hence, this function should be copied to application_helper.rb from where it will be accessible to all the views. It is recommended to use these functions as part of library modules instead of copying the function into your application_helper. Srividya