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Everything posted by srividya_sharma

  1. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Thanks a lot Devika. Thanks for posting your experience with Seam and FusionCharts for the benefit of all users. Like Devika, we would love to see more users participating in the forums and helping other users with their queries Hip Hip Hurray! Thank you FusionCharts Users! Thank you FusionCharts Team!
  2. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Hi Bill, Welcome to FusionCharts for JSF forum! Here is a sample code I had developed earlier which uses RichFaces. Please see if this helps. Please place the chart swf and js files in FusionCharts folder. This is a non-conventional code, put together from bits and pieces. Please ignore the crudeness of the UI and the code. Hope this helps you in what you wanted to achieve. Srividya
  3. Batch Export for Server Side

    Hi I am sorry that I left you confused all these days. Thanks for the reminder. Here is the promised sample. Please replace myDynamicCount to a suitable integer value, in the code. Please replace all the paths used in the file with correct paths as per your directory structure. ( path to the javascript, path to the swf, path to FusionChartsRenderer.jsp ) Hope this helps! Srividya
  4. Save chart as Image to Server.

    Hi Ashish, Can you please change exportAction='download' and see whether download is working? Srividya
  5. Legend Colors Incorrect

    Hi John, Welcome to FusionCharts' world of Charting! Can you please post your xml as attachment here, as this would help me find the cause of the problem? Thanks. Srividya
  6. Save chart as Image to Server.

    Hi Ashish, Welcome to FusionCharts community! Can you please post the properties file with all the settings you are using currently as attachment? Can you please post the xml as attachment and also tell me the directory structure you are using? This will help me locate the cause of the problem. Srividya
  7. Chart Export Problem in IE

    Hi Ryan, Good to see you again. Hope you are doing good. Are you trying this over SSL? Srividya
  8. Hi Can you tell us the server-side technology you are using and the webserver? Srividya
  9. setDataXML works the 2nd time it's called

    You are most welcome. Happy FusionCharting ! Srividya
  10. setDataXML works the 2nd time it's called

    Hello Could you please try to change this line in your above code: chart1.setDataXML("<chart></chart>"); Hope this helps Srividya
  11. Sample coding to display fusion charts

    Hi Shiva, Thank you for your attempts. Can you mail it to me at [email protected] ? Thanks again. Srividya
  12. HTTPS and IE

    Thank you Veeraswamy. We would love all users to participate in these forums, not only to ask questions, but to answer other users' queries as well. ( wherever possible ) Love thy FusionCharts neighbours. Srividya
  13. Hi all, Let me summarize the solution for Tomcat + SSL + IE issue when using FusionCharts: Tomcat Version 5.0: Please add the following lines in tomcat's server.xml between <Host>... </Host> tags : <Context path="/FusionChartsSSLTest" docBase="FusionChartsSSLTest" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false" /> </Context> Change the path and docBase to suit your context. Tomcat Version 6.0: Please add the following lines in tomcat's tomcat_home/conf/context.xml between <context>... </context> tags : <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false" /> Note that if you're not using Form authentication, then substitue the class name of the authenticator you're using. Please see[email protected]/msg151294.html which talks about the same issue. ( as posted by Alan earlier. Thank you ) Hope this helps.
  14. IE + SSL issues

    Thank you. When using FusionCharts with JSP in Tomcat, you would need to make this change in context.xml. ( as told by traigo in the previous post ) Note that if you're not using NonLoginAuthenticator, then substitue the class name of the authenticator you're using. Please see[email protected]/msg151294.html which talks about the same issue. Hope this helps everybody. Srividya
  15. Hi Have you tried the latest export feature of FusionCharts v3? If not, please do so whenever possible. It will turn out to be easier to save the chart as image with this version than the earlier versions. Hope this helps! Srividya
  16. createChartHTML and registerWithJS

    Hi Were you able to solve your issue with FusionCharts in Liferay portlet? If so, can you please share the code? I am currently working on a sample portlet for Liferay and would like to get user feedback or useful code that would help me. Thanks
  17. Hi Hope you were able to solve your issue via email or other means. If not, can you please elaborate the issue? Thanks
  18. Printing a chart

    Hope you were able to solve the problem via email or other means. Keep FusionCharting!
  19. How to implement Hyperlink in powerchart (set tags)

    Glad that it worked out for you. Hope you are sailing smoothly with FusionCharts now. Keep FusionCharting!
  20. Thanks Todd, for sharing this with us. Keep FusionCharting! Srividya
  21. 'Chart_id_1' is undefined. script error

    Hi Murali, I appologize for the delay in responding. Were you able to solve your problem? If not, please provide us with the code which generates this error. Thanks for your patience Srividya
  22. vLine label not displaying

    Hi Welcome to FusionCharts community! Please check the version of FusionCharts you are using. FusionCharts v >= 3.1 supports the feature of specifying label for vLine. Hope this helps! Srividya
  23. Cannot see changes in xml

    Hi Maybe it has something to do with the browser cache. Srividya
  24. Sample coding to display fusion charts

    Hi Shiva, Can you please post the modified code, so that I can understand better? Thanks Srividya
  25. Sample coding to display fusion charts

    Hi Shiva, You are most welcome. Can you tell me what problem you faced with the class file? This will help me correct it and this way, others will also benefit from it. Thank you, Srividya