The initial load of one of our charts:
<div id="volume_amDiv"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var myChartg = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf", "yr_vol", "450", "325", "0", "1", "#404040");
myCharta.setDataURL(escape("volume_am.php?record_year=<?php echo $recordyear; ?>" ));
Later, upon clicking a year in the chart, the following is run:
function updateCharts(recordyear) {
//alert(recordyear); // Runs only as a test, of course
var charta = getChartFromId("volume_am");
charta.setDataURL( escape( "volume_am.php?record_year=" + recordyear ) );
The result is no data, and the message "Retrieving data. Please wait". Checking the Apache logs, the file volume_am.php is not accessed again.
I can also access the php file directly through firefox.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<chart showLegend='1' showFCMenuItem='0' caption='Day Shift' subCaption='Denomination Breakdown for 2019' bgcolor='404040,404040' showborder='0' bgAlpha='100' canvasbgcolor='404040' showcanvasborder='0' divlinecolor='cccccc' divlinedashed='1' divlinedashlen='1' divlinegaplen='1' showalternatehgridcolor='0' useplotgradientcolor='0' tooltipcolor='ffffff' tooltipbgcolor='404040' tooltipbgalpha='80' legendbgcolor='404040' legendborderalpha='0' legendshadow='0' legenditemfontsize='10' legenditemfontcolor='ffffff' baseFontColor='FFFFFF' numberSuffix='' numberPrefix='$' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridColor='665e5e' alternateVGridAlpha='40' paletteColors='15CBBA,FF8C05,FF0000,DF1B80,0372AB,EBE81F'>
<set label='Currency' value='11964' />
<set label='Coin' value='11' />
<set label='Checks' value='85' />
<set label='Credit Cards' value='558' />
<set label='Cash Paid Out' value='472' />
<set label='Sales Tax' value='923' />
Please advise