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Everything posted by ttremain

  1. I may be mistaken, but It appears our mutual client may have pieces from multiple versions installed, and not all the files for 3.12.2. However, his license isn't current and he doesn't have has a complete archive of files. Inside the fusioncharts/ folder he has themes and maps, each with just a few files in them, and no other folders, which does appear incorrect.
  2. The initial load of one of our charts: <div id="volume_amDiv">&nbsp;</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChartg = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf", "yr_vol", "450", "325", "0", "1", "#404040"); myCharta.setDataURL(escape("volume_am.php?record_year=<?php echo $recordyear; ?>" )); myCharta.render("volume_amDiv"); </script> Later, upon clicking a year in the chart, the following is run: <script> function updateCharts(recordyear) { //alert(recordyear); // Runs only as a test, of course var charta = getChartFromId("volume_am"); charta.setDataURL( escape( "volume_am.php?record_year=" + recordyear ) ); } </script> The result is no data, and the message "Retrieving data. Please wait". Checking the Apache logs, the file volume_am.php is not accessed again. I can also access the php file directly through firefox. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <chart showLegend='1' showFCMenuItem='0' caption='Day Shift' subCaption='Denomination Breakdown for 2019' bgcolor='404040,404040' showborder='0' bgAlpha='100' canvasbgcolor='404040' showcanvasborder='0' divlinecolor='cccccc' divlinedashed='1' divlinedashlen='1' divlinegaplen='1' showalternatehgridcolor='0' useplotgradientcolor='0' tooltipcolor='ffffff' tooltipbgcolor='404040' tooltipbgalpha='80' legendbgcolor='404040' legendborderalpha='0' legendshadow='0' legenditemfontsize='10' legenditemfontcolor='ffffff' baseFontColor='FFFFFF' numberSuffix='' numberPrefix='$' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridColor='665e5e' alternateVGridAlpha='40' paletteColors='15CBBA,FF8C05,FF0000,DF1B80,0372AB,EBE81F'> <set label='Currency' value='11964' /> <set label='Coin' value='11' /> <set label='Checks' value='85' /> <set label='Credit Cards' value='558' /> <set label='Cash Paid Out' value='472' /> <set label='Sales Tax' value='923' /> </chart> Please advise