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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Re-Draw The Chart

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. Please note that FusionCharts does not support re-rendering the chart on legend clicking as of now. However, you can track the "legendItemClicked" event and re-render the chart with the help of your own code as per your requirement at your end. Hope this helps.
  2. Export Fusionchart Via Client Side

    Hi, Please note that the XML you have attached does not correspond to the previous screenshot that you had sent. Al;so, the attached XML file does not have any export related attributes, like, "exportEnabled", "exportAtClient" and "exportHandler". Also, with the proper configuration the chart is exported perfectly. Please check with the screenshot. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, Could you please let me know if you are willing to provide links on the plots that would open up a new page or chart or create LinkedCharts? However, please refer to the following link for further details on the above. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  4. Display Issue With Single Value In Heatmap

    Hi, Please send us the XML along with screenshot of the issue that you are facing so that we can check and confirm. Also, please upgrade your current version to the latest version of PowerCharts XT (v3.3.0) (if not upgraded) and see if this helps. Awaiting your reply.
  5. Trendlines Displayvalue Doesn't Be Colored

    HI, Please note that the XML file that you have attached has the trendline "displayValue" set to "Target" which is shown on the chart when rendered. Could you please modify the same to use your own display value and see if this helps? Hope this helps.
  6. Msline Legend Modifications

    Hi, Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest version of PowerCharts XT and see if this resolves the issue? In the latest version, we are able to see all the Legend features working as expected, legend position, interactivity, dragable, column numbers as displayed as per your configurations. Please check with the screenshot for your reference. Hope this helps.
  7. Asp Charts Don't Show

    Hi, Could you please send us the scaled-down sample at [email protected] as an attachment and quoting this forum thread for reference so that we are able to test it? Awaiting your reply.
  8. Trouble In Using Setdataxml

    Hi, Could you please remove the new line characters while providing the XML in datastring method and see if this helps? Ex: [/size] [size=2]</div><div align="center">[/size] <script type="javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/VBullet.swf", "myChart4", "80", "270", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataXML("<chart><value>13</value><target>74</target></chart>"); myChart.render("chartdiv4"); </script> Hope this helps.
  9. Json Serialization With .net Typenamehandling

    Hi, Please check with the attached "LineChartJSON" sample attached with this post. Also, please refer to the following links for details on the JSON data format that FusionCharts currently supports. You would need to use only this format in order to feed JSON data to the chart. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  10. Json Serialization With .net Typenamehandling

    Hi, Could you please let us know the Chart Type that you are using so that we are able to assist you with a sample using ASP.Net and JSON data? Awaiting your reply.
  11. Right To Left Langauges

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. Please note that in our current version, FusionCharts XT supports only left-to-right languages, as of now. It does not have native support for right-to-left languages like Arabic. So, if you want to use Hebrew with FusionCharts XT, you will have to programmatically reverse the sequence of words/characters and then provide the same to FusionCharts XT. However, we have made a note of your suggestion and shall update it in our long-term wishlist for feasibility analysis. We shall update you in case we come up with any solution. Thank you for your continued patience. Hope this helps.
  12. Problem With Pop Up Chart

    Hi Priyanka, As I had mentioned previously, In case the issue still persists, please send us a scaled-down sample at "[email protected]", quoting this Forum post, so that we might test it. Also, please test with another latest version released on the 30th of January, FusionCharts XT (v3.3.0) available and see of this helps. Awaiting your reply.
  13. Zoomline Chart Limits?

    Hi, Please note that in ZoomLine chart, you can specify the desired value for the attribute "numVisibleLabels" in the <chart> element that specifies the number of labels that would be visible in one screen. Ex: <chart ... numVisibleLabels='10' > The "lableStep" attribute in the <chart> element and "showLabel" attribute in the <set> element is not supported by the ZoomLine Chart, as of now. Hope this helps.
  14. Chart Invisible After Relaod

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. Could you please confirm if you are loading Flash Charts and this issue is occurring? In case yes, please try rendering the charts in JavaScript version (non-Flash mode) and let us know if you are still facing the issue. Awaiting your reply.
  15. Asp Charts Don't Show

    Hi, Could you please confirm if your SWF and XML files are kept exactly in the location whose path you have defined in your code? Ref. - Call renderChart("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "Data/Data.xml", "", "myFirst", 600, 300, false, true)%> Awaiting your reply.
  16. Change Data

    Hi, Please note that FusionCharts XT supports a special type of Drill-down called LinkedCharts that natively provides a "Back" button to go back to parent child from where you have drilled-down to the child chart. Ref.- In case you wish to achieve the same feature on the chart in FusionCharts v3.1.1, this is natively not possible. However, you can always wrote your own piece of code to call the function to go back to the previous chart at your end, as per your requirement. Hope this helps.
  17. Hi, Glad that your issue is resolved. The work-around is indeed helpful for users facing the similar issue. Happy FusionCharting!
  18. This feature is currently not available on the JavaScript chart due to technical limitations. However, we shall update you in case we are able to overcome the same. Thank you for your continued support.
  19. Labels And Axis Names Look Fuzzier In Ie9

    Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. Hope the issue is resolved for others!
  20. Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. Hope the issue is resolved for others!
  21. Hi, Could you please confirm if you have kept all the JavaScript files, namely, "FusionCharts.HC.js", "FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js" and "jquery.min.js" from the "Charts" folder of the FusionCharts XT Download package in the same folder as "FusionCharts.js" of your application folder, while rendering the charts in JavaScript (non-Flash mode)? Awaiting your reply.
  22. Gantt Chart Xml

    Hi, Please note that this is an Invalid XML as you have used an extra "<" sign without encoding it to "<" in the XML. Please try removing the additional "<" between the attributes "subcaption='Critical Milestones Status for period: 2013'<dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy'"and try providing a space between the attributes "divLineDashGap='2'showAlternateHGridColor='0'" in the <chart> element of the XML and see if this helps. Hope this helps.
  23. Background And Logo Images Not Exported ?

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. Please note that FusionCharts does not support exporting chart with background image and logo in the JavaScript version, as of now. Our team would be looking into this and shall update you when we come up with the solution. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
  24. Error Code #06091847 Id Already Exists

    Hi, Please note that you are disposing "myChartId" whereas the chart mentioned about "ChartID" existing previously. Could you please dispose the "ChartID" instead of "myChartId" and see if this helps? Also, your code does not display the "dispose" method section. Please make sure you have included the same in your code. Hope this helps.
  25. Custom Tooltext For Outliers?

    Hi, Please note that the outliers does not support links on itself to trigger any JavaScript function, as of now.