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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Fusionchart And Firefox 13.0.4

    Hi Drew, Could you please send us an erroneous sample or a Live URL so that we might test it? Awaiting your reply.
  2. Old Documentation

    Hi, Could you please try using the following archived link for the FusionCharts documentation of v3.1.1 and see if this helps? Ref.- Also, please try enabling the "debugMode" parameter of the HTML code to know the FusionCharts version. Ref.- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "1", "1" ); Hope this helps.
  3. Chart Performance Issue In Ie

    Hi Apoorve, Could you please specify the issues you are facing, a bit elaborately with an erroneous sample and preferable screenshot(s) so that we are able to test the same at our end? Awaiting your reply.
  4. Setjsonurl(Url) With Http Method Post

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support any API to control the display of Progress bar externally, as of now.
  5. Hi, I am afraid, currently we do not have any function to avail this feature. However, we have mad a note of the same and shall update it in our wishlist. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.-
  6. Missouri Missing A County

    Hi, We have marked the St. Louis City in the Missouri County map with an external border but did not define it as an individual entity. However, we have taken your point into consideration and shall update the Missouri County map in the upcoming release of the the upgraded FusionMaps version. We shall update you on the same. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  7. New Country: South Sudan

    Hi, We are currently working on the upgraded version of FusionMaps. We shall update you as soon we are ready to release the upgrade that would include the modification that you are looking for. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  8. Hi, Could you please mail us quoting this Forum issue at "[email protected]" so that we are able to look into the issue and provide you with some relevant files that might be of some help to you? Hope this helps.
  9. Hi, Could you please confirm if you are using SWF files from the FusionCharts XT (core) into your Flex applications? In case yes, please note that FusionCharts XT is a core product and altogether different from FusionCharts for Flex if you are trying to use the charts in Flex application. Hence, there are chances that the core SWF files would display discrepancies when loaded into a Flex application. For using charts in Flex application, we have altogether different product, i.e, FusionCharts for Flex, that I had previously mentioned. FusionCharts XT had been coded in ActionScript 2 (Flash 8 - AVM1). We haven’t ported them to ActionScript 3 (AVM2), instead, we have modified the existing FusionCharts SWF files, so that, they can load efficiently in your Flex solutions and then be controlled by your Flex code. To facilitate cross communication between AVM1 and AVM2 we have used LocalConnection. FusionCharts for Flex v1.3 runs on Flash Builder 4 and Flex SDK with the help of the SWC files provided in the FusionCharts for Flex pack. Could you please try using the SWF files from the FusionCharts for Flex v1.3 pack, instead of FusionCharts XT core when your application is Flex based? Please refer to the FusionCharts for Flex Online Documentation for further reference. Ref.- Also, in case the issue still persists after replacing the Core SWF with the FusionCharts for Flex SWF, please mail us the relevant code so that we might test it. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi, Could you please mail us the sample code at "[email protected]"? In case this is not possible, please send us the relevant XML data along with the chart types that you are currently using. Hope this helps.
  11. Changing Fusion Chart Width Or Height At Runtime

    Hi Susant, Thanks you for your patience. We are happy to announce that FusionCharts for Flex has been released. The current version is 1.3. Ref.- ---------------------------- Release Notes: New Features: AIR Desktop application support Charts can dynamically resize based on the dimensions of the parent containers Support for Interactive Legend Automated numeric X-Axis in Scatter and Bubble charts Regression line in Scatter and Bubble charts Quadrants and quadrant labels in Scatter and Bubble and charts Number formatting options for the X-Axis scale in Scatter and Bubble charts. Configurable options for vertical divisional lines, vertical grids and vertical zero plane in Scatter and Bubble charts Advance Image/SWF display and alignment support for background Added legend in Pie, Doughnut, Funnel and Pyramid charts Ability to plot columns on right axis of chart in 3D combination charts Chart specific APIs added for Pie, Doughnut and MSCombi3D charts Support to specify Y-Axis minimum values in all stacked charts Support to align the vertical Axis names with respect to the whole chart or only the chart canvas Macros or pre-defined variables to position Annotation better Support for left or right alignment of caption and subcaption Manually control the position of data values in line and area charts Ability to hide zero plane values Pack contains a separate Flash SWC component to help render charts in Adobe Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 Applications Improved: Charts are cached to reduce bandwidth usage Charts can now run in Flash Builder Debug mode Optimized X-Axis label placement The default size of the caption and subcaption has been increased Annotations scale automatically when dynamic resizing is enabled Customizable options of X-Axis ticks for Multi-series Combination 3D chart has been added Fix: Major improvement in memory leak issue "No data to display" issue Known issues: The text shown in the Debug Window of charts/gauges in AIR Application can not copied using context menu The Custom component for Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 can only render charts FusionCharts for Flex does not support Flex's "Spark only" component set The Evaluation version can be downloaded with the help of the following link. Ref.- The existing users can update for free from FusionCharts Product Update Center. They will get a new Update (v1.3) pack to download. Ref.- PUC Link Hope this helps.
  12. FusionMaps Specification Sheet of 185 maps in CSV files

    Hi Sunil, Please find the Map specification sheet for all the maps in the FusionMaps pack with the help of the following link. Ref.- >> 'Map Specification Sheets' section I am afraid, we do not have any documented X and Y coordinates for FusionMaps. This was initially done manually referring to the maps available in global sites. Hence, no such fixed coordinates are mentioned. Hope this helps.
  13. View Svg String

    Hi Asha, We have reported the issue you have raised and our Engineering team is currently looking into this. However, we are currently working on some other issues at the same time, including version upgrades to some of the other products in the FusionCharts Suite and as such, this particular issue will take some time to address. This issue has also been highlighted by some other users and please be rest assured that we are going to address this shortly. With regards to timeframes, we are hopeful of providing a work-around solution to this issue within a month's time or so. Thank you for your continued support.
  14. Hi, I am afraid, we are not aware of this issue as of now. However, you can modify this hook JS files as per your requirement and implement it in your application such way that it does not break other controls. Hope this helps.
  15. Adding An Image, Axis Values And Printing

    Hi, >> I am afraid, the application logo or image is not possible to be placed on the same line as the caption, as of now. It can be positioned only over the chart. >> Please try URL encoding the "+" sign to "%2B" and see if this helps. Hope this helps.
  16. Chart Performance Issue In Ie

    Hi, Could you please mail us with all your points and issues in details at "[email protected]"? We would get back to you at the earliest.
  17. Tag Style

    Hi, You are welcome. Please feel free to get back to us in case you have any further queries.
  18. Tag Style

    Hi, I am afraid, currently FusionCharts does not support display of a few series on loading and showing the rest, as and when required.
  19. Hi, Please mail us with all the details at "[email protected]". We would get back to you at the earliest. Hope this helps.
  20. New Country: South Sudan

    Hi, Apologies for the inconvenience. Yes, we have already updated the Africa map with South Sudan entity and shall be officially released with our next upgraded release of FusionMaps, i.e, FusionMaps XT. We are currently working on this and cannot commit a timeline. However, in case you are existing client, please mail us your Order ID at "[email protected]" and we shall get back to you at the earliest. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Please note that with respect to your SWF usage related query on JavaScript charts, please note that in case of the HTML 5 charts, the name and path of the SWF file needs to be mentioned because it is from the SWF files that the JavaScript aliases are picked up in order to render the charts in non-Flash browsers. The SWF files used and mentioned, does not imply that it is to be loaded during the iPad/iPhone/non Flash Player supported browsers rendering, since we do not load the SWF natively. Instead, we actually pick up a reference of the relevant JavaScript, from the SWF files, needed to render the charts in non-Flash browsers. The JavaScript aliases for the corresponding SWF files can be found with the help of the following link. Ref.- The format of code that you would need to write while calling the JavaScript aliases of the SWF files can be written in the following way: Ex: var myChart = new FusionCharts({ type : "Column3D", id : "myChartId", renderAt : "chartContainer", dataSource : "Data.xml" }); For further details on the chart parameters and the constructor method of the FusionCharts JS class, please refer to the following link. Hope this helps.
  22. Hi, Also, in case upgrading to FusionCharts for Flex v1.3 does not help in resolving the issue, please check whether you have placed the chart SWF files in the correct location. In case the files are correctly places, please export the as flex project archive and mail it to us for further inspection. You may mail it to us at "[email protected]" for confidential reasons with reference to this Forum Query and we would get back to you at the earliest. Hope this helps.
  23. Hi, Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest version, i.e, FusionCharts for Flex v1.3 and see if this resolves the issue? We are happy to announce that FusionCharts for Flex has been released. The current version is 1.3. Ref.- http://www.fusioncha...ons/adobe-flex/ ---------------------------- Release Notes: http://www.fusioncha...ersion-history/ New Features: AIR Desktop application support Charts can dynamically resize based on the dimensions of the parent containers Support for Interactive Legend Automated numeric X-Axis in Scatter and Bubble charts Regression line in Scatter and Bubble charts Quadrants and quadrant labels in Scatter and Bubble and charts Number formatting options for the X-Axis scale in Scatter and Bubble charts. Configurable options for vertical divisional lines, vertical grids and vertical zero plane in Scatter and Bubble charts Advance Image/SWF display and alignment support for background Added legend in Pie, Doughnut, Funnel and Pyramid charts Ability to plot columns on right axis of chart in 3D combination charts Chart specific APIs added for Pie, Doughnut and MSCombi3D charts Support to specify Y-Axis minimum values in all stacked charts Support to align the vertical Axis names with respect to the whole chart or only the chart canvas Macros or pre-defined variables to position Annotation better Support for left or right alignment of caption and subcaption Manually control the position of data values in line and area charts Ability to hide zero plane values Pack contains a separate Flash SWC component to help render charts in Adobe Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 Applications Improved: Charts are cached to reduce bandwidth usage Charts can now run in Flash Builder Debug mode Optimized X-Axis label placement The default size of the caption and subcaption has been increased Annotations scale automatically when dynamic resizing is enabled Customizable options of X-Axis ticks for Multi-series Combination 3D chart has been added Fix: Major improvement in memory leak issue "No data to display" issue Known issues: The text shown in the Debug Window of charts/gauges in AIR Application can not copied using context menu The Custom component for Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 can only render charts FusionCharts for Flex does not support Flex's "Spark only" component set The Evaluation version can be downloaded with the help of the following link. Ref.- http://www.fusioncha...-flex/download/ The existing users can update for free from FusionCharts Product Update Center. They will get a new Update (v1.3) pack to download. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  24. Chart Not Displaying In Joomla 2.5

    Hi, Could you please contact the Support Forums of for further details on the above? Ref.- Hope this helps.
  25. Fusioncharts Not Displaying In Joomla 2.5

    Hi, Could you please contact the Support Forums of for further details on the above? Ref.- Hope this helps.