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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Combination of bar and line chart

    Hi, Could you please confirm whether the data values shown on top of each stacked column is the sum? (See attached screenshot) This is because the data for each <et> element is displayed inside each plot whereas the sum is shown on top. Could you please send us the relevant XML data so that we might test it? Awaiting your reply.
  2. Invalid Xml Format Error

    Hi, Could you please URL encode the "&" sign to "%26" and see if this helps? However, to let you know that the updated Image Saver Assembly has the encoding issue fixed. Please mail us at FusionCharts Support quoting this forum thread to receive the same. Hope this helps.
  3. Programmatically Setting Value Of Led

    Hi, Please note that there is no need to reset the XML to change the value. The code below will change the HLED widget value. levelWidget.FCSetData(100); Hope this helps.
  4. Server-side only PDF/image export

    Hey Steve, This piece of information was greatly helpful. Thank you so much for your continued support. Cheers!! Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Hi, I am afraid, the JavaScript version of FusionCharts does not support the stagger feature, as of now.
  6. Hi, I am afraid, the Multi-series Line chart does not support tooltip on the vertical line like the ZoomLine chart, as of now. Though the basic appearance of the Multi-series Line chart and ZoomLine chart is almost similar, but the actual internal as well technical features of these 2 charts are vastly different, which cannot be replicated. Hope this helps.
  7. Real Time Update Functionality

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support real-time data updating, as of now. However. please try using Real-time Column and Real-time Line SWF from the FusionWidgets pack to avail the real-time data update in Column and Line charts. Ref.- But Pie chart does not support the same. Hope this helps.
  8. Scrollcolumn2D.swf Firefox Issue

    Hi, It might be the Flash Player issue and has nothing to do with FusionCharts. However, we are glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  9. Localize Graph

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support the decimal separator to update automatically based on the language, as of now. You would need to specify the "decimalSeparator" separately for each language as per your requirement. Hope this helps.
  10. Set The Height Of Bar In Bar Chart

    Hi Krishna, Please note that Multi-series Bar 2D chart would solve your purpose. But the labels that you had displayed would be shown in a different way in case of the bar chart in FusionCharts pack. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  11. Different Zero

    Hi, The issue would be resolved only if you set "sYaxisMaxValue" to '120' or decrease the number of div lines accordingly in the <chart> element to sync the zero plane for both the axis. Hope this helps.
  12. Rendering Issue With Js Version

    Hi, Please note that the color issue in the Spline Area chart would be resolved in the next upgraded version of PowerCharts, i.e PowerCharts XT. This is scheduled to release within next few quarters. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
  13. Invalid Xml Format Error

    Hi Steve, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The chart is displayed perfectly with the Styles applied as you have specified with the XML from your previous post. Please check with the attached screenshot for your reference. Hope this helps.
  14. New Chart

    Hi Venkat, >> I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support displaying different colors for vLine labels, as of now. However, you can apply the same color globally on the "VLINELABELS" object using "Font Styles. Ref.- >> Please note that you can define the "yAxisMinValue" and "yAxisMaxValue" in the <chart> element along with a specific required value for the "numDivLines" in order to define your own range of linear values. In case you wish to display you would need to use trendlines instead of the div lines to achieve the same. Ref.- >> I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the display of vLines om top of the dataplots, as of now. Hope this helps.
  15. Memory Leak

    Hi All, We are looking into the issue and shall update you as soon we come up with a solution. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  16. Strange Formatting On Axis Labels

    Hi, Could you please send us the screenshot and the relevant XML of the same so that we can replicate it? Also, please let us know the environment in which this issue might be occurring. Awaiting your reply.
  17. Export Pdf Fusioncharts

    Hi, Please refer to the following link for an FusionCharts Export sample using ASP.Net MVC. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  18. Drawanchors Not Work In Javascript Render

    Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The "rotateLabels='0' " attribute is working perfectly for the JavaScript chart. Please check with the attached screenshot for your reference. Also, in the XML that you had sent, please try setting "rotateLabels" attribute instead of "rotateNames" attribute. Hope this helps.
  19. Scatter Chart Yaxismaxvalue Issue

    Hi, The release plans for the upgraded version of FusionWidgets, PowerCharts and Fusionmaps are in the pipeline. But we are unable to commit any exact timeline for these as we are simultaneously working on various projects. We expect to come up with these in a year's time. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
  20. Scatter Chart Yaxismaxvalue Issue

    Hi, Thanks for reporting this. We would make a note of it and update accordingly. Also, FusionCharts XT is the upgraded version for FusionCharts. The FusionWidgets has not released its upgraded version, as of now, hence it would not support the HTML 5 charts like FusionCharts. However, you can use the latest JS files for the charts and widgets in case needed. Hope this helps.
  21. Dynamicaly Changes Saving Path For Exporting Chart

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts dos not support dynamically changing the path for saving images, as of now.
  22. Drawanchors Not Work In Javascript Render

    Hi, We are looking into this and shall update you as soon as we fix this issue. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  23. Fusion Charts On Android

    Hi, I am afraid, the JavaScript version of FusionCharts is currently not supported by Android 2.2. However, since Android 3, both the Flash version (in presence of Flash Player) and the JavaScript version of FusionCharts would be supported. Hope this helps.
  24. Chart Has No Javascript Fallback

    Hi, Please try downloading the latest version of FusionCharts, i.e, FusionCharts XT Evaluation version with the help of the following link, to achieve the Java Script version of the Multi-series Stacked Column 2D charts. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  25. Scatter Chart Yaxismaxvalue Issue

    Hi, Please try using the latest version of FusionCharts, i.e FusionCharts XT that would resolve this issue. You can download the FusionCharts XT (v3.2.2) Evaluation version with the help of the following link. Ref.- Hope this helps.