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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. I Can't Update Cylinder Widget

    Hi, You are always welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. happy FusionCharting!
  2. I Can't Update Cylinder Widget

    Hi, Could you please send us the erroneous sample as an attachment so that we can test it? Looking forward to your feedback.
  3. I Can't Update Cylinder Widget

    Hi, Please refer to the following link for further details on the method of updating the chart and see if it helps. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, Please note that '404040' draws a very similar color to that of black ('000000') which is not discernible when the gradient of the tooltip button is enabled. Please try setting a distinct color like Red ('FF0000') and then you would be able to see the difference and hence would see the attribute "tooltipButtonColor" is working perfectly. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi, You are welcome! Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  6. Hi, You are welcome. But I am afraid, FusionWidgets does not support the "setChartAttribute" function, as of now. However, glad to let you know that various new attributes, functions and features would be supported by the next upgraded version of FusionWidgets, i.e, FusionWidgets v3.2. We are unable to commit any timeline for this as we are working on it. We shall keep you updated on the advancement. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  7. Black Box On Bottom Of Chart

    Hi, Please note that in Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a chart is 8,192 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,216 pixels. (i.e., if a chart is 8,192 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.). Please note that in Flash Player 9 and earlier versions, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 pixels in width. In case the issue still persists, please send us the XML and the details on OS, browser and Flash Player version that you are using to render the chart. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi, Please note that "isSliced" is an attribute mentioned in the XML. Could you please specify a bit elaborately on what setting of the attribute you are looking for? Looking forward to your feedback.
  9. Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The attribute "toolbarButtonColor" in the <chart> element is working perfectly. Please try setting the hex code without the "#" before the code. Ex: <chart ... toolbarButtonColor='FF0000' > In case the issue still persists, please send us the XML file as an attachment. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi, FusionCharts.js/FusionCharts.debug.js which is present in FusionCharts.v3.2.x or PowerCharts v3.2.1 pack is a newly built JavaScript class to load and add various functionality to charts in FusionCharts and PowerCharts 3.2.x packs. However, since, FusionWidgets pack is not yet 3.2, it retains the old FusionCharts.js which was taken from FusionCharts v3.1.1. Hence, the difference. However, FusionWidgets can be loaded using the latest js provided in FusionCharts/PowerCharts v3.2.1 without any issue. But, so far the use of JavaScript API is concerned, you need to stick to the API of FusionWidgets. Hope this helps.
  11. Chart Image In Own Pdf File

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts do not have any Image Saver Assembly for PHP framework, as of now. We have made a note of the same and shall get back to you at our earliest. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  12. Hi Mayuresh, Please try setting the string value ( "7d 13hr") as the value for the attributes "displayValue" and "toolText" in the <set> element. Please note that FusionCharts does not support date/time format natively. The chart accepts date/time data as string values. Hope this helps.
  13. Dependency Issues

    Hi, Glad that your issue is partly resolved. I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support Combination Bar chart, as of now. Hence the above chart cannot be displayed horizontally. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  14. Dependency Issues

    Hi, Please try using "2D (Single Y) Combination Chart" to solve your purpose. Please check with the attached XML for your detailed reference. For further details on the XML configuration, please refer to the following link. http://www.fusioncha...SS/Combi2D.html Hope this helps. MSCombi2DSingleY.xml
  15. Dependency Issues

    Hi, Glad that issues are resolved. Please feel free to revert in case you have any queries. Happy FusionCharting!
  16. Long Waiting Time For Display

    Hi, Please note that in order to render the chart timely, you would need to disable or keep the minimum required attributed related to alpha, tooltip, shadow and styles on the chart. Hope this helps.
  17. Zoomline Chart Category Labels

    Hi, Please note that since FusionCharts v3.2, the last label on the right side would not exceed the canvas margin until the attribute "labelDisplay" is set to 'NONE' in the <chart> element. Hope this helps.
  18. Vertical scrolling in Gantt Charts

    Hi, >> I am afraid, we do not have any plans for vertical scrolling, as of now. We have made a note of this. We shall update you on any advancement. Any workarounds apart from limiting the size of data ? >> I am afraid, currently there is no work-around to this issue except decreasing the number of data provided.
  19. Line2D Data Display Issue

    Hi, Thanks for the cooperation. We have already reported this based on your post. Hence it would be soon taken care of. Thank you for your continued support.
  20. Hi, The Drag Node chart supports maximum 1000-2000 nodes on a chart. Please note the number of data-plots mentioned here is the maximum. It varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Styles, Animation, Anchors, etc. Also, please note that the in Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a chart is 8,192 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,216 pixels. (i.e., if a chart is 8,192 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.). Note that in Flash Player 9 and earlier versions, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 pixels in width. Hope this helps.
  21. Line2D Data Display Issue

    Hi, This is an issue. We have already reported this and currently looking into this. We shall come up with the fix to this issue in our next upgraded version, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2. But currently we are unable to provide the timeline as we are working on this. We shall update you as soon we come up with it. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  22. Linear Gauge Updates

    Hi, I am afraid, the chart can only be updated when the user clicks and hence the function is called, a of now. We do not have any hover function, as of now. Hope this helps.
  23. Chart Options

    Hi, >> Please note that in case you are looking for charts that supports time format or realtime charts, then I am afraid, none of the above charts supports either of the feature. Time format is not supported by FusionCharts and realtime are charts are available in the FusionWidgets pack. In case you are looking for something else, please send us the screenshot of your requirement. >> Please note that 2D and 3D charts are completely different charts built with different functionality. You can view 3D charts in 2D mode but the reverse is not possible. In case you are looking for Stacked Column chart in 3D mode, please try using Stacked Column 3D chart. More at: >> Yes. The SWFs with the name "Column" would render the dataplots vertically whereas the "Bar" charts would render the same horizontally with the same data even. Hope this helps.
  24. Display Values Away From Country--Smart Guide?

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support this feature, as of now. However, you can make the labels distinct by using a font with larger size, different color and making it bold by using "Font Styles". More at: Hope this helps.
  25. Line2D Data Display Issue

    Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to understand your previous query. However, as a work-around, you can try using the attribute "lineThickness" in the <dataset> elements of the lineplots which have the same values. If you make the 1st lines "lineThickness" larger and "alpha" lesser, then you would be easily able to view the line overlapping and lying behind. Please check with the attached screenshot and the sample XML file for your reference. Hope this helps. sample.xml