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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Hi, In Bubble chart you can define the positions of the Bubbles setting the desired values for the X and Y index respectively. The third index, i.e the Z-index specifies the depth or the size of the bubble. Hence the layout of the chart can be made horizontal or vertical depending on the X and Y values specified. Please check with the screenshot and the XML where few of the Bubbles are horizontally aligned and few vertically. Hope this helps. Bubble.xml
  2. Bar2D Chart Yaxisvalues Inside

    Hi, Please check with the attached screenshot and the sample XML for your reference. Hope this helps. Bar chart.xml
  3. Pareto

    Hi NIkhil, Please note that the Pareto chart, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart which contains both bars and a line. Pareto chart is strictly a single series chart. The values are represented by columns, which are arranged in descending order of magnitude, and the cumulative total of the these values is shown by an upward curving line. Ideally, Pareto charts are used for isolating the key causes of a problem. However, they can also be used for determining the key factors of success. Hence the order of sorting is a functionality of the chart itself which cannot be changed. Also, in case you wish to set the data in the order as mentioned in the XML in a Multi-series chart, please try using a Combination chart that would let you plot column and line in the order you have mentioned in the XML. Hope this helps.
  4. Pareto

    Hi NIkhil, Please note that the Pareto chart, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart which contains both bars and a line. The values are represented by columns, which are arranged in descending order of magnitude, and the cumulative total of the these values is shown by an upward curving line. Ideally, Pareto charts are used for isolating the key causes of a problem. However, they can also be used for determining the key factors of success. Hence the order of sorting is a functionality of the chart itself which cannot be changed. The vertical line would naturally appear where mentioned in the XML, as this is not a strict feature of the Pareto chart. Hope this helps.
  5. User Licence

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please try downloading the FusionCharts v3.2.1 evaluation version which is free of cost and time limit, with the help of the following link. Ref.- The charts only display the FusionCharts Evaluation watermark, unlike the licensed version. Hope this helps.
  6. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note that in Flash Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a chart is 8,192 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,216 pixels. (i.e., if a chart is 8,192 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.). Note that in Flash Player 9 and earlier versions, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 pixels in width. Also, please make sure that you are not providing more than 1000 dataplots in a Bar chart. This is the maximum amount supported by Flash player and FusionCharts that varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Styles, Animation, Anchors, etc. Hope this helps.
  7. Hi Deepti, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this feature, as of now.
  8. How To Set Dynamic Height?

    Hi Mayuresh, Please note that the Y-axis maximum limit adjusts itself with the incremental data that does not affect the height of the chart. In this case if your data is retrieved and increased dynamically, you need not set any "yAxisMaxvalue" explicitly. The maximum value on the chart would keep changing with the highest data-value provided in the XML then. The height of the chart has no relation with the data, in this case. Hope this helps.
  9. Hi, It seems that the "Factory_Master" table does not exist in the database from where you are retrieving the data to render the chart. Could you please recheck with this? Hope this helps.
  10. Xml To Json Converter

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not have any XML to JSON converter in C# or VB.Net, as of now. We only have it in JavaScript. Please note that the output in both the cases would be different. This is because FusionCharts follow a set rule while convertin from/to XML to/from JSON. This is not similar to the generic one. In case you wish to use FusionCharts, you would need to use the XML to JSON converter given in the Download Pack for perfect results. I hope I am able to make myself clear on this.
  11. Asp Update Panel

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please try using the RenderChartHTML() method instead of RenderChart() method for updating the panel? Hope this helps.
  12. Setting Multiple Links

    Hi, FusionCharts does not support color range feature. Hence, I am afraid, this is natively not possible with FusionCharts, as of now. As a work-around, you can try mentioning the required links explicitly for the values mentioned. Hope this helps.
  13. Hey, Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  14. Hover Help!

    Hey, That's a great suggestion indeed! Thanks for the same. Happy FusionCharting!
  15. Labels For Stacked Area Chart

    Hi, Could you please send us a mail at [email protected] mentioning your Order ID and quoting this forum post? We would get back to you at our earliest. Looking forward to your mail.
  16. Hi, Thanks for the information. Happy FusionCharting!
  17. Hi, It sometimes happen that the euro character is gets lost even before you are passing it as response. Please find a scaled down version of a sample code attached. Hope this helps.
  18. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Hi, Apologies for the delay in reply. Please note that this is a issue that we have come across and we are already looking into it. The same would be fixed in our next minor upgrade, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2. The release date is scheduled in a few month's time. In case you are an existing customer, please send us your Order ID at [email protected] and we would get back to your at our earliest. Hope this helps.
  19. Hi, Please try retrieving the time stamp in the "toolText" attribute of the Angular Gauge by mentioning it in Real-time format. In that case the time would be displayed in the "tooltip" and would be easily understood if its the latest post or the number of days or hours old from the latest post retrieved from the database. Hope this helps.
  20. Charts Not Shown Up

    Hi Roy, The charts that were initially inaccessible as mentioned in my previous post, can be viewed perfectly now. The Funnel chart, Pie chart and the Line charts (in the link you have mentioned in the Support ticket #87261) are displayed perfectly in IE, Firefox and Chrome. Hence we are unable to replicate the issue you have mentioned. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  21. Cylinder Real-Time Color Range

    Hi, I am afraid, Cylinder Gauge does not support the change of the colors with the Real-time values, as of now. Furthermore, Cylinder Gauge does not support <colorRange> element. Hope this helps.
  22. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support this, as of now. You can try highlighting the data-plots that supports the click event with a distinct color or other features like thickness, etc. Hope this helps.
  23. Hi, Please note that FusionWidgets supports date/time format as String value. In case you wish to pass the date/time directly, i am afraid, this is not possible, as of now. You can retrieve the date/time as a string value and hence pass it as the value for the label. Hope this helps.
  24. Charts Not Shown Up

    Hi Roy, As we looked into the issue, we found that the charts are not accessible and the complete process is getting stuck at the phase of chart download. The link we tried to access is: Now, could you please check this link and modify it accordingly? In the case of the live server the charts are not fetched, unlike the development server, so the server is unable to display the same. Hope this helps.
  25. Heat Map

    Hi Deepthi, Could you please contact us with the help of the following link quoting your query with the help of the following link? Ref.- Looking forward to your feedback.